Saturday, December 26, 2015


Setting a beautiful table and cooking an amazing dinner where 24 of us sit down to feast is a great noble tasks.  Both Sandra and Randy are great enthusiastic hosts!

Some of the guests are Tasha and Trevor parents of justice
Here are Ben and Justice playing battleships.

There were a lot of people helping in the kitchen.

There were Shawna and Susan and Theresa and Kim and Leah and Craig.

People had also brought glutin free stuffing and pies!
 Tasha is amazing as she had to leave early to drive her bus.

Ben and Dad were making sure everything was done just right.
I continued taking pictures but my memory card ran out.
I am very proud of all our family, the way they pitch in to help and also what good mothers all the grandchildren are.  That includes Theresa as well as Mary and Shawna.  You fathers are pretty great too!  Kenny and Melina too.  Being a parent is a darn hard job.
I had a busy day too cleaning up after critters who now like eating chesterfields.  Rick set traps but I keep setting them off.  All will be well in a few days I am sure!
Now for my new slippers and snuggly new house coat.  I have had the old one for years!


nancy-Lou said...

Isn't it funny how attached we get to our old housecoats and wear them for years? I just bought a new one last year after any years of the 'old plaid one'. Now you can look forward to getting ready for bed in you new housecoat and slippers.

My goodness you and your family have been busy with all the celebrations and suppers. The pictures are so nice to see and I think I am getting everyone sorted out now!

How cute the little children are, aren't they? Christmas just isn't the same once they are all grown up. Our only Grandchild is going to be 22 now and quite the young lady. She has two weeks off before she goes back to college and Engineering. It is a tough course ....but she hopes she passed her exams. 11 students have already dropped out, out of a class of 31. Just two are girls.

It is very cold here the last couple of days. The overnights are -26 with a windchill of -33 and today the high is -19. We save all the 'going out stuff' for one trip store, garbage, feeding the birds, walking the dogs.

Do you have snow there? I thought I heard on the news that you were going to have some snow.
Sure makes things look pretty out there!



beth bennett said...

Nancy thank you once again for taking time to comment and share!

We had a light dusting of snow.

Larry has a sore lip from putting on cancer burning cream.

He loves visits but does not feel like going out.

We are watch a D.V.D. together and hockey games.

I am in my new robe and slippers.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

It gives me great pleasure to sit back with a cup of coffee and read your daily blog, Beth. It is always interesting with a mix of family news, lovely photos and spirituality! All things that are important to me too! Your dedication to writing daily is amazing...even on really busy days for find the time to connect us all through your blog!

I hope my comments will keep you connected to the Ateah side of the family too...the ones in Victoria Beach!

Christmas time always means visits from the Ateah's who live within travelling distance. a time of reconnecting and hearing the family news....births, deaths, celebrations. They say the Ateah's always 'like to come home" to where it all began over a hundred years ago.

Did you know the book, The Cedars of Lebanon, written by my husband's aunt, Laela Ateah, is available on line in PDF form? It is a great read for everyone....I encourage the youngsters to read it and find out a lot of interesting information about Michael and Shafia Ateah and their family. Quite a lot is about Michael and his time in well as his trading with the native peoples along Lake Winnipeg.
I love hearing the old stories about when they lived here with their 10 children in the homestead.

We are watching the junior hockey from Finland, too. Canada plays soon! GO CANADA

Love, Nancy