Wednesday, December 9, 2015


This is the choir that Morgan sang in.  She really puts her heart into her singing it is a joy to watch.  She was the only little red head so pretty easy to spot.  We were so proud of her!
The play was about the Partridge in a pear tree that needed help to come down.  The grades 1 to 3 acted in the play while the older ones were the choir.
The little ones are so adorable and this year like every year we think it is the best play ever.
Ben is at another school and he was taking part in a jazz band and plays the trombone.  Dad and I would have loved to be at his performance too but it was just two much all in one day.
DSCN6450It turned out to be a bright and sunny day although the wind was strong and wanted to push our car off the road.

Ben  and Morgan enjoyed pizza's with us at a trendy coffee shop.  They are getting so grown up!

We  probably passed Carol and Paneli coming as we were driving into the setting sun.  The drive home seemed long to me but what a surprise to come home to the house all clean and tidy by Kim.

All in all a fantastic day full of laughter and happy chatter! 

What a sunset!

1 comment:

Client Strengths said...

I really enjoyed the concert too. Wish we could have stayed longer but our batteries were also running low .... and it was dark and threatening rain.