Tuesday, December 15, 2015


What would my life look like if I felt inspired and passionate about what I do each day?

How could my goals and dreams have a positive effect on others.

"Choosing to discover and cultivate my passions is one of the greatest gifts I can give myself."
-Michael J. Chase

Today I was very thankful when Carol dropped by to help me walk Haiti.  Kim is away for a few days for a break from school and work.
I found that if I take my meds. I feel so nauseated it is hard to walk Haiti although it is something I enjoy doing.  I have decided not to take my pill until closer to noon.  That will mean taking one later in the evening and hopefully I will be off to bed so it will not matter.

After our walk dad and Carol went to the thrift store to look for skates.  She was very pleased to find some.  Dad picked up a better wheel-chair so is preparing for the future.

Later dad and I went to the library and then into Sharkie's for a light lunch.  So another good day for us both.  When Carol left she took Haiti home with her for a few days.  Dad and I miss her already as there was no excited tail waging greeting for us when we returned home.

I find that connecting with nature and walking is a great benefit for me.

I find that my interest in spiritual truth keeps me from feeling bored on days when I am not as active as I would like to be. 
Feeding my mind with spiritual and inspiration books is a habit I have already formed.

I want to create a sense of wellness by thinking kind thoughts about myself and about others.

I am fortunate to have the positive energy of my loving family!

"Self-trust is the first secret od success" -Ralph W. Emerson

"In this life we cannot do great things.  We can only do small things with great love." M. Theresa

The Dalai Lama once said, "My religion is very simple.  My religion is kindness."

I am enjoying the Christmas music and the Christmas lights with a new appreciation now.


Sandra said...

Long day for me at work only to come home to Lucy having opened her wound back up, off to the vet for an hour and a half to get her restitced. Cone now on till the 29th.


nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, poor Sandra and Lucy....it is so hard on us to see our pets not well. The cone hojld do the trick...but the dogs don't like them at all, but they are necessary. i hope she heals soon.

I saw two pics of the kittens from the Delta Animal Shelter and they were being adopted. What a happy story that is....all thanks to the goodness of Sandra and Randy. YAY!

It would be a boring world without the uniqueness of each person wouldn't it? I like to tell me art class that when we line up everyone's completed painting and we see how different they all are, even though we painted the same scene. It would be a boring world if we were all the same.

How wonderful to have Carol and Panteli and Sandra and Randy close by so they can come over and give you a hand when it is needed. It is a good thing that she took Haiti home while you are so ill with those meds....she will be back again, I am sure!

It is storming here, with heavy snow. Lots of accidents on the highways. We hope it will be over in the morning because we have to go to Winnipeg for Carl to get his infusion at the hospital again.
Our son will drive.....which is a relief to me! Carl only drives locally...like to the store. I do the driving because he has sleep apnea and is often very tired in the day.
We are expecting 20 cms of snow today with blowing snow and flurries tomorrow.
It looks so pretty outdoors...will go for a walk later.

I hope that darned nausea goes away, Beth....is there no alternative to the medication they gave you? If you can't walk Haiti it must be pretty bad. Can you take gravol to help with the nausea?

Well I am off to feed the birds...they are waiting. They always have seeds, but are waiting for the shelled peanuts and the peanuts in the shell....those I put in a ring for the bluejays nd they empty it in record time!

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sandra that is really tough on both you and Lucy and Randy Too! What an exhausting time at work and driving home and then the time at the vet.

Thank you Nancy I do take Gravol at night and I know resting really helps.

I may phone the doctor if it continues to get worse as the pills absorb into my system. I am thankful that there is a cure!

Hope all goes well on your drive. Larry and I are thankful he can still drive.

Have a safe journey!

Love beth