Saturday, December 5, 2015


A lot of what our families do at Christmas is because of traditions.  I am very slow at decorating this year.  I like it when the children or the grandchildren would help decorate the tree.

I like getting out some of the crafts they have made so I will pout them out first.  I dig out the Christmas cookie jar that Oliver came me to put all the cookies I made into it.  I am glad I did what I did and am thankful others are taking on the task.

I think it is too early to be playing Christmas music but I am hearing more and more of it.
Music is certainly a big part of this time of year and I still love to sing.

Another thing is the smells.  Certainly the smell of cookies and candles burning and the scent of Christmas trees or maybe just branches for us.  I pass some holly on my walk and would like to snip off a few branches.

I will also put out the Christmas Creche next week to commemorate the nativity.  St. Francis was the first to prepare a manager scene but he did it with real animals outside in the forest.  This devote man had given up a life of luxury to help the poor and also he had a great love of animals.  He lived his message and his love and devotion to Jesus shone from his face.

I am very pleased with our new washing machine and was busy washing and putting the clothes away most of the day after it arrived.

Christmas was foretold centuries before the birth of Christ.  Is it any wonder that the Christmas season is filled with anticipation?  It is a time to be hopeful!  It is a time to bring light into our lives and into our spirits.

Dad is not pain free from the moment he steps out of bed and starts walking.  Fortunately he is sitting the pain goes away so we look for things to enjoy like   sports on T.V.    a drive in the country and family visits and looking up family ancestors.  We feel thankful for what he can do!

He is not alone many others live with pain.  I know Nancy you know what it is like!


Sandra said...

I like the scents of Christmas. Hoping to get some baking stared sooner rather than later.

Lucy had a better night, got some pain medication for her.


nancy-Lou said...

So glad to hear Lucy had a better is so hard on us when our pets are not well. Get better soon Lucy....I hope Sandra is able to get a good sleep.

A new washing machine....always exciting to do the first few loads, right Beth?

I love Saint Francis and have one of his book by my bedside so I can read a little each night...I have read it many times over, but never tire of it.

We have downsized out Christmas celebrations a lot over the last couple of years. The artificial tree was given away...we have a three foot pre lit tree that is perfect. A wreath for the door and a few things on the piano and we are done! Oh yes, bells with a ribbon on the inside door. I am going to make a matrimonial cake later that what you call it too, Beth? Date cake? I heard Matrimonial Cake was a Manitoba term...anyway, I bet Larry will be able to smell it from there! haha. I would give you some if you lived closer! It freezes well and will be great for company.

I ordered a fresh turkey from the butcher has all local meats and they are so much better. So I will be cooking the Christmas supper once again. Carly, our granddaughter will be here to help. Must be my 45th time! Should have had daughters! haha. My Mother in law and I alternated having the Christmas supper for a few years.

How is the weather out your way, Beth? It is unseasonably mild here. the overnight low didn't go below 0 degrees and the normal high is -9. The snow is melting just like springtime and the dogs are bringing in mud again...wiping their paws on the doors and patio door window...I think it would have been better to just have is cooler and snowy. It is almost spooky how the temps are so high...very unusual.

Well I Am delaying working on my commission piece...better crack the whip!

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy