Friday, December 25, 2015


Lincoln is very shy when he arrives.  Mary comes in later with Simone and Sebastian.

Our family has had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas Eve. and Christmas Day.  

Lots of food and fun and presents. 

There was the secret Santa game,  where we had a number to picked a present from a great variety of large and small gifts, and at the end you could exchange the one you had chosen for what you really wanted.  The exchange was grabbing the present you wanted but then some one could grab it from you. We are a noisy family at the best of times but playing games we all get loud!

Christmas Eve found us all too tired to attend church.  I feel it is no use going unless we are all in the mood and happy to go.

Being a family together is the most important part of our celebrations. 
The message is one about the importance of relationships.

"You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager,"  Luke 2:12

A promise of Holiness become humble and gentle waiting to be found.
The weeks of advent that proceed the birth begin in darkness while one by one candles are lit and we prepare for the glory of the Lord to be revealed once again.

If you desire to see this miracle prepare your heart with a simple prayer.

"But when you pray, above all else ask for wings'

Wings to carry you for from earthly bonds into a heavenly space where your very soul is filled with warmth and energy flows through your inner being.  God is within us.

Christmas Eve dinner was prepare by Kim.  Delicious!  And we enjoyed the small children running here and there around our feet.  The children would then go home to have a visit from Santa himself!
Ultimately faith is will!



Anonymous said...

Christmas was hot with a bush fire on our doorstop .Nearly had to evacuate.116 homes
were destroyed in Rye River christmas day. At 3:30am on boxing day we had a cool change come through. so yesterday was cold and wet . We went to see the movie "good dinosaur " it was great . Melina didnt feel 100 percent yesterday , we had a bit of a virus going around with Jasmine and Jesse on antibiotics. Hobey coming down to Melbourne on the 24Jan to see his new girlfriend, She is Danish and just travelling through Australia . Ken

beth bennett said...

Dad and I have been watching the fires. Even smelling the smoke is not good.

Lots of bugs around here, Sandra has a sore throat and the children runny noses.

Dad has a very sore lip along with numbness in his fingers.

I seem to be a bit up and down but mostly up.

Fun happy times with family!

Happy New Year.

LOve mom