Friday, December 11, 2015


I think I am living too much in the moment.

I end up with things I should have done yesterday piling on top of what I have to do today.  Whatever it all turns out for the best.
I was actually ready for the gang when they arrived right on time.

Everything went well until it was time to decide what kind of tea we should have.  A couple very adventurous ones wanted Egyptian Licorice (which I did not even realize we had) instead of the Red Rose brand.  I left the kitchen to let them decide and yes I know we could have just made it a cup not a pot full.

No one seemed to want to leave so I think we all  had a fun time.

Dad and I were a little anxious to be on our way to Sandra's house.  The kittens certainly were center stage as they are so cute and curious.  Justice had a great time playing with them.  It was good to have a short visit with Justice and Tasha as we do not get to see them often.  This Christmas they will be coming to join the family at Sandra and Randy's house.

We enjoyed a home cooked meal at Sandra's.  We left before Randy arrived home from work fighting traffic all the way.

"The secret of making something work in your life is:
First of all the deep desire to make it work
then the faith and belief that it can work
then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness
and see it working out step by step
without one thought of doubt or disbelief."  -  E. Caddy

I was very tired by the time we arrived home but very content that every moment had been worth the effort.


Sandra said...

Thank you for coming, I know I hate having to do more than one thing in a day and I am young and healthy!

Randy's pizza did not show up until 8:00, he was not very happy. He went to bed before me but then when I went up he had six kittens with him so he was a bit happier.


nancy-Lou said...

Believe in yourslef....those are wise words that you can make anything happen and that is very true! E. Caddy is wise. Nice quote Beth.

A lovely photo of Sandra, Tasha and Justice. I am guessing Justice is Sandra's grandchild?
How nice that you stayed for supper and had a home cooked meal. They are the best!

Yes, the traffic in Vancouver is unreal...Winnipeg is quite tame in comparison, but it is getting a lot busier on the main thoroughfares....more and more people are driving these days.

I am working on an application for a group showing at Cre8ery Gallery in Winnipeg. The show isn't until April, but I have to choose what is going in the show now. Not easy because I have my paintings in three different locations, plus what is in my studio.

My piano student will be here soon, so must go

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

You are so busy Nancy and I know your art inspires many.

Yes Justice is Sandra's grand child. I guess you are gradually figuring out our family.

Love beth