Sunday, December 6, 2015


It rained most of the day.
It also got colder as the day progressed.
Not even a crack of sunlight got through.
A dull wet day.

I had a quick walk first thing before the down pour started.

Dad went over to the Post Office for me to get some stamps.  They are already busy.  We will do a few cards to Australia and to cousins.  Maybe I can find a funny poem about growing old on-line.

I  had a busy day cleaning the living room.  The mouse has escaped into there and is eating wall-paper.  I had to clean all the furniture etc. really thoroughly.  This creature is annoying me so I think its days are numbered.  I know Kim wants to catch it (and she is good at that) and let it go some where far away.  I do not like mice. 

The last few days our group has been trying to have a time to get together.  We hope to catch up as we do not meet regularly any more.  The last gathering both dad and I did not feel well.  It is very hard to get a gang of people together who although they are retired they are still very active.  We will not be able to get us all to come to our place. 

"I think that the most significant work we every do,
in our world, in our life,
is done within the four walls of our own home.
All mothers and fathers can make the most
significant of contributions
imprinting the spirit of service
on the souls of their children so that the children
grow up committed to make a difference.
-  Stephen Covey


nancy-Lou said...

Mice are very frustrating, to say the least! I don't know if you have deer mice, but if so, there is a significant danger of the Hanta virus. That is what we have in our van...I have seen four of them jump out of their nest....right at my face as I peered under the seat.
They are cute as the dickens, but dangerous, due to the high fatalities from the virus in humans.
After our insurance paying thousands of dollars to clean nd sanitize the van....the mice are back. They are trying to nest in the van again. We cannot trap them...they won't go in the traps, so I have resorted to poison...not that I wanted to do this...but have to. Also, have to clean everything daily until they are gone or it is sanitized by autopac.

If you have one mouse, be assured you will have more....I suggest you hire an exterminator before the problem becomes out of hand. We may have to call autopac again and have them find where these mice are getting in.

Yes, it is becoming busy now. I have finished the teen art class for now and will resume teaching in the new year. I will be teaching adult watercolour lessons starting Jan 22 at our Seniors Scene...looking forward to a new group of students. I am sure it would be difficult to get a group of people together ...

I see you are having a series of storms on the coast. I used to enjoy those strong south easterly winds bringing in the rain when we had an oceanfront rental...storm watching is fun. Sure, miss those days.

Yes, I do agree about the home being the place of the most significant work we do. It is a huge responsibility.

Have a wonderful day, you two,

Love, Nancy

When I am driving, I am thinking of the woman who was driving along in traffic and a mouse ran up her leg....I have to steel myself in case that happens! YIKES

Anonymous said...

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by TS Eloit is my favourite poem about growing old, but it's not really funny...he's the guy who wrote The Wasteland. If you Google it, there are some brilliant lines... xo Panteli

Sandra said...

No mouse would last long in my house, nine felines would so to that!

Started some Christmas shopping yesterday, went to the mall. Randy is not a happy shopper at the best of times and Mandi and James are separating, she is moving out in January, so he was doubly grumpy.

I have my friend Tamara and her daughter coming over today to visit the kittens. I was hoping to drop by after, will see how long she stays.


beth bennett said...

Very sad about Many and James. So many unhappy things happen this time of the year. I have asked Carol and Panteli over for pot roast and am counting on dad's help. He can sit and peel!

Kim is stressed from exams and left early,

love mom