Wednesday, December 23, 2015


We have a deer instead of a Christmas tree as our plastic one refuses to stand up.

The Skaters will be arriving one by one today.

Oliver coming from snowy Ukulele, Rick driving the snowy mountain road from Kamloops.
Theresa will also be there with Ben and Morgan.
Then off they will go to the skating rink to glide smoothly over the ice.  There will be a few falls I am sure as no one has been skating for years.  What a joy it would have been if dad could have joined in.  He has given his skates away because his feet are so numb and painful.

Dad and are will be driving out to Langley to join Jane and Geof for some turkey soup.  Jane loves to have company that this year helps to forget some of the sadness of the year past.  Dad and I will be happy to enjoy her soup and friendship.

The musicians will be tuning up after the skating.  Oliver and Rick with their guitars.  Kim will join in the songs and merriment after her work at the restaurant about 10. 

They are all sleeping over but I wonder how much sleep they will be getting.

Sandra and Randy are already enjoying Lincoln as he drives his cars and trucks around their feet.

They are looking forward to Mary and Simone arriving on the 24th and then they all come here to enjoy Kim's salmon  dinner.  It would be great to go to church but does not seem possible. 

Santa Clause will be making his first stop at the home of the Wise's
This is one of Randy's great gifts becoming Santa.  He is jolly and kind.

The Spirit of Christmas will surround us all.

Our thoughts also go flying over to Melbourne to join Melena and Ken, Matthew and Jasmine.  We remember the year his family was able to be with us for Christmas.  That was a very good year!

I hope we all have fun just being together and also remembering happy times in the past!

To-morrow I will just add a spiritual prayer to the lively spirit of joy and happiness!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing everyone at skating tonight!

nancy-Lou said...

Haha...there must be a 'thing' about plastic trees...ours has refused top stand up too! So it went back in storage. We have a foot high one without lights.
I was sorry to hear of David Ateah's seems someone usually dies close to the holidays doesn't it? He was quite a character.....Carl didn't know him very well because he was quite a bit older than he and I think they lived in Winnipeg. But we did see him some when we lived in Winnipeg too. I do remember when David lived here at VB with his wife and the three children....Ron, Casey and the other boy...forget his name. The children were quite small ....cute as the devil, though!

I bet you were glad to get that Cystoscopy all over and done with....good for you!

Carls prostate surgery and the surgery for an aneurysm is cancelled until he sees a heart specialist...the anaesthetist said his lungs and breathing aren't good. We have an appointment next week. He has exercises to do. The aneurysm surgery is a priority, once the heart doctor says he can have it.

We had another snowstorm and now the snow is about knee level...higher in drifts. I shovelled the car out and did the walks....our son came and did all the rest. Everywhere you look is a Christmas postcard.....trees laden with snow. Very Christmasy. The highways were bad with quite a few accidents...but we stayed home.

Merry Christmas to all the Bennett family, especially to my dear friends, Larry and Beth.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Just waiting now to head to the airport to pick up Mary, she has had a terrible flight with Simone being sick and having to have medical team assess her to see if she could continue her flight.

Lincoln has been a perfect little angel and like to take me for "walks" around the house looking for cats.

See you tomorrow.