Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Take time to be happy.
Do not try to do too much.
Take time to look at old photos with old friends.  Thanks Tavia for the visit.

A windy day blew Carol and Panteli off the golf course into our home.  We sat and visited while Panteli raked and bagged up the leaves.  Good to have the job done.  It just took time.

Talked to Rick on the phone.  He sounded good and is happy with his job and hopes it will continue.

He is taking Gabapentin for the nerves in the side of his face damaged by the stroke.  Dad took his first pill last night and slept well and in fact is still sleeping.

It is dark when I get up early in my morning.  I feel like going back to bed.  Instead I write in my journal.

Yesterday I sat in the car at the park while dad and Spenser explored every bit of grass looking for the best places to pee.  Several old friends have come to the car and had a visit with me.  One thing I loved about my walk with Spenser was making new friends.

Sara is happy with the time change from 8 to 9.  We will plan her days now.  She did laundry and it was also good to have that done.

I know resting is the best thing I can do to heal my back pain.  I am counting the weeks until it should be better.

There will always be enough time in a day to laugh and have fun, to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us in and outside.  

Take time for what is important!


Sunday, August 29, 2021


Dad I are very happy with Sara, our home helper
Problem solved.

Saturday was a very happy day. talked to Kim and heard Alba in the background.
We cannot wait to see her.  Christmas?
Time will tell.

Also had a good visit with Pat and John.
They came loaded down with veggies  from the garden,
Watched Heartbeat.

Today I decided we will visit Carolyn and Peter.
We were happy we made the effort.
She looked very happy and peaceful.
She is not in pain but is on three medications.

She was in a big bed in the living room.
She can look out a big window.
It was sad to see her garden not cared for.
She was a passionate gardener.

Her wish now is to reconnect with old friends.
Peter was very gracious and pleased to see us.
Both Carolyn and I had had a good morning.
I took her some custard Sara had made and she enjoyed a few bites.

We listened to her talk about going to heaven.
I am sure it will be a colorful place full of music,

I read her a little poem about "Be here now".
She could relate to it.

Jesus came to give us abundant life.

Happy to talk to Ken now.

Another happy day!


Saturday, August 28, 2021


I am  trying to organize.

Room by room cupboard by cupboard.

Now I just have to try and organize my thoughts.
We are now organized and she will do it once a week on Monday.

Sandra takes Spenser for a long walk.
Spenser is very happy to go with her.

We pick up dad's meds. ay 2 today.  It is the Gaba Penten.   a very low dose to start.

I have told Payton he did not do a good job and our working relationship is over.

I have to believe the creative mind can still keep working even when I am resting so much.  I do want to get better.  I rest as soon as Sandra leaves.

John and Pat are dropping by at four.  
I put off visiting for another day.
"Let your heart be silently drawn by the strong pull of what you love to do."  Rumi

I will keep writing in my journal and on this blog.


Friday, August 27, 2021


Strange as it seems we want peace but we still go to war.

Peace begins within our hearts when we learn to soften our thoughts about life.
Not always easy when I feel annoyed.
We all have different opinion about lots of things.
We all are in need of a little improvement.
I want to be more at peace within myself and with .

I am finding now that I have to have courage to keep resting because I now it is healing me

Waiting for dad's doctor to phone.




Thursday, August 26, 2021


I have been looking forward to August 25 when my girlfriends from Colebrook arranged a gathering at the park.  I was sure I would be better by then.  Actually  was feeling a bit worse so I could not visit my sick friend either.  I know I need to rest more.

I am thankful Sara takes Spenser for a walk on the days she is here.

Nice to get two cheerful phone calls from Sandra and Mary.
We were out when Sandra called taking Spenser for a walk at the park.
I sit in the car and an old friend comes over to chat with me.

I was very grateful when Tavia arrived on the afternoon of the 26th.  She was a wonderful help drying the blankets and carrying them up stairs to put on the beds. Why were the blankets on Rick's bed washed?  I have decided to take over doing the laundry with dad's help.  We will do it on Tues. and Thursday.

I am also telling Payton I do not need his help.
Together we can both do the yard work.

WE enjoyed a quiet day today.  

Watching the news is tragic.

Monday, August 23, 2021



Panteli was able to help me put some pictured from my camera on to the computer.

We were so happy to see them.
They stopped by on their way to having dinner with Chris.
I was happy that he would feel supported by his family.

It had been a difficult day on Monday.
It started with a very upsetting phone call by two people scaming us for money.
I thought it was a friend which made it worse.
I gave the phone to dad wo started to ask questions.
The caller swore at dad and he hung up.

Next someone has hacked into my face book which I cannot get into.

I felt yesterday I should not be on the computer at all.

Dad wantedy the groceries she needed for this week.
Carol and Sandra offered to do it.
We feel so useless.

Dad had several falls yesterday which worries me.

I feel like I am being tested.

Today I will phone my sick friend and we may go visit.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Yes fall is in th air.
I l ove the changing colors of the leaves.
I love the month of Sept.
It starts out with 5 birthdays or maybe it is 6.

Dad is having a painful day today.
He talks to his doctor some time Monday.
I hope he will tell him how he is feeling.

I also had pain today after my walk. 
I still have to rest for a few more weeks and hopefully I will be restored to better health.
I enjoy being out in the fresh air even if I am not doing anything.
Today was a bit cool.

Neither of us felt like shopping but dad needed his eye drops renewed and we needed food for supper.
We were able to get everything we needed.

Every day we have choices.
Sometimes the choice is just about being real.
We are getting old and tired.
But we still enjoy a good laugh and a good party!


Friday, August 20, 2021



There is a purpose in all we do.
Even resting.

This morning I woke up and got up with no pain.
Rest means healing and restoring my body.

Rest can also a benefit to the soul.
There is a spiritual life that flows out of a peaceful rest.

I am trying to accept my need for rest.

I try and go for a short walk with Spenser.
I experience some pain when I get home.
I will try to do things slowly.
Pain is the sign that I need to rest.

It was good to have Randy and Sandra drop in for a restful visit.

Thursday, August 19, 2021


Yesterday worked out well for both me and dad at the dentist.
Dad had his two teeth pulled out and came home all swollen up.
It had to be done so good to have it over.

Dad spoke to Bob, the dentist, about my sore mouth.
He went and found out what the other partner had done.
The mistake that was made was mine
and my mouth was getting sorer.
I did not want to make another trip over there.
Bob ordered some mouth wash for me.
It kills germs but also numbs the pain.
It was a great help.
It is good I have it as another sore has broken out.

I know that adversity, which we all face, can make us stronger
but I did not hesitate to use my mouth wash.
It is good we help one another.

Payton came and walked the dog this morning.
Sara did not come toay.

Dad did the shopping at Shoppers and remembered to get everything.

"Experience lends depth to out lives that help us understand when othes are hurting."


Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Still one of my favorite places just to rest and watch the ducks.
May be I will go again some day.

Yesterday I was busy going to the dentist.
They were very kind helping me walk to the room and get in the chair.
I thought the pain was from taking my partial in and out.
It was a bit red but felt better becaue I was not usig it.

Why was it hurting when I eat and it felt like a cankor sore.
I was an unheplful patient.
I came home and found the sore under my tongue.
I am not going to stew over it.
I will go back only if it does not get better.
I can chew on one side of my mouth so I am esting.

A good excuse to eat some ice  cream!

What do most of us do when the doctor says he cannot find anything very wrong.
We leave feeling unsatified.

Dad is off to the dentist this morning.
He is have a tooth pulled
and it is broken in peieces.
He has to have the bone built up before a new part can go in.
A long appointment and several more in the future.

I felt the dentist glad he could not read my thoughts.

Yes if I am honest pain does bring out the worst in me too.

I have to learn to acept it for now 
and try to find new strength and courage.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021


I am feeling very dull.
It is a dull and damp day.
I am thankful for the warmth of the fire place.
I am thankful that I feel safe and secure.

I had a bad night with my sore mouth bothering me.
I am in pain every time I stumble to the bath room.
I have a bit of rice and mlk for breakfast.
A dull meal.

The news of the world seems to be one disaster after another.
Fires continuing to burn here in B.C.
The world news is worse.

Is there really a purpose in painful situatios?

Can I find contentment?

Going to the dentist is a good start.
I have promised dad and Sandra I will go at 3 today.
We may both have an appointment of it will just be me now.

Things do not get easier as you get older.
There are set backs at any time of life.
I am trying to believe that within my self there is a inner resilence.
/this comes from deep within the soul.


Monday, August 16, 2021


This is Spenser suggling up tp the cat Kim bought me with 20 dollars years ago.

I have a very sore canker sore in my mouth which is gtting worse.
Phone the destist to leave a message for a perscription.
No answer.
I am getting more miserable.
Dad goes over to the dentist.
He has an appointment for to-morrow which he should have gotten when he first broke his tooth.
He will get the perscription for me then.

worried about Rick with the fire so close.
He says he is safe there.
He can always come and stay here, or with Carol or Sandra or Theresa.
The highway is closed.

Talked to my friend /cathy, our old neighbor.
She had plans to do some travelling but that is out of the picture now.

It was good to have a visit from //carol and Panteli, the golfers.
Dad had panned to go to but was not feeling good enough.
He is having back pain too.

I do not plan anymore.
Every day is mostly resting.


Sunday, August 15, 2021


The door is open hope some one will wander in.
Oliver wass the first to arrive.

dd inspected his new camper and was impresseed.
Oliver is planning a big trip in the fall.

Carol gives him a big hug.
It was cool in our back yard and a great place to enjoy the delicious food /carol had prepared for us.

Sandra did wander in after the party was over.
Busy day with her kittens.

WE were invited to join everyone for supper 
but it would have been too much for onr day.

A day to remember!

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Snokey and hot.
I have always hated the smell of smoke especially cigerettes.
Had very little energy,
Worked in the yard for a litle while with dad.
I could have read my soul book but was not up to it.
Watch a story about Rowana on Net Flicks.

Sara offer to Dawn to walk Spenser since Baily her dog s at the Lake.
This morning we will take Spenser to the park.
Payton seems to be away too.\
Both dad and I re arrange things after Sara leaves.

How do I feel?\
I am saying I feel hopeful.
Not easy when there is little change.
I believe hope is a healing emotion.

I trust God to my source of hope.
His Presemce and Love watch over me.
His faith in me helps me to feel worthy.
I know He is guiding me along a healing path of Hope;


Thursday, August 12, 2021


NICE to have a diferent picture.

Nice to have a phone call from Sandra warning us that we are in for another hot day.
Close all your doors and windows.
She always asks us several questions too.

Nice to have a phone call f rom Ken too.
The puppy is keeping Ken on the run when he escapes on their walks.
Too bad thing are shuting down again.

Nice to the the left overs Carol and Panteli left for us to have today.

Dad took Spenser for a short walk at the park, passing Hilaries house on the way.
She came over to our house bringing some fruit and cheese and salmon snacks.
We have another phone number to all to our board.

Nice to have her drop by for a shrt visit,

Nice to have my cool bedroom to help me sleep.

Nice to feel loved!



Tuesday, August 10, 2021


                                                Yes we took a quick trip to see the ducks.

                                                      For me it was like a lttle  adventure.

                                                         Came home to take a long nap.

I feel like I am getting very old losing enthusiasum for another day of resting.  The Bible talks about having a crushed spirit and that is how I feel.  I am praying that the spirit that flows from the heart of God with encourage me.

I have a new dress I bought  months ago and I am determined to wear it to the next party.  It may be in the wheel chair but I want to be there.  Well today is the next party!  I will wear it.

Dad and Spenser check out the book library.
Dad finds two books.
It is jam packed with books.
A lady came by and found a series of her favorite books and she was ghrilled.
/take them all I suggested.
She will bring them back.
I love the sunshine on the water and the ducks happily swimming around.  Thankful no ducks on our street thi summer.

It is important to feel awe at the beauty of nature.  Just to be still and enjoy the moments.

Dad has found a shady place to sit and take a few pictures of me takig pictures.  The walk from the car to the park was very short.

Well Kenny it sounds like you have three dogs now.  That should keep you busy.  I remember when we had three years ago.  It was chaos.

Looking forward to Carol and Panteli bring supper over.  So good to eat together and visit together.

"I will give you a new heart, one filled with awe and wonder, says the Lord God."
I believe this can happen.  It may take time.


Monday, August 9, 2021


Spenser had a hard time waking up at 7.
He went back to bed 3 times.
  I was surprised when Dawn brought him back for his walk to say he was very sprightly.

Paten came over and I asked him to do some work in the yard.  He filled a brown garbage bag full and then he was off.

Dad was excited to go golfing with Carol and Panteli.  Panteli is still having pain with his foot so he drove the cart.  This really helped dad.  Carol is improving and dad did okay and was glad he had made the effort.  It was very hot for them both.

Sara made me a nice sandwich for lunch.  I missed having dad eat with me.  I rested a lot.  Still having pain when I move but it is a little less than at the beginning.

About the book "Boundaries for the Soul."  I have just started it.  It is about some of our inner feelings that we can learn to deal with.  It is about many ways we del with relationships and the reason we re-act as we do.  At the end of the chapter there is a quiz and I did very well only getting 2 wrong.  I have now read chaoter one,  I expect to understand myself better by the end of the book.


Sunday, August 8, 2021


I have decided to make Sunday a little bit different day.
I am concontrating on being positive.
"Beloved, let us love one another
for love is of God."
There are several referrences in the Bible about love.
We are certainly challenged to love one another.

I am proud o be a Canadien and proud of all our yung athelites.

I often feeel like my days are like a rerun of the day before.
Certainly my mornings are similar.
This morning I was trying different chairs to find one that was comfortable for my back.
Dad was up bright and early too.
I like having company,

Sandra came over early to treat us to home made muffins she made right before our eyes.
She asks a lot of questions and then gives us a lot of good advice.
I phones the morning dog walker to arrange for Spenser to get back to walking in the morning.

Good to talk to Rick on the phone. Still having problems but seemed a little more cheerful.

Pat and John visited by phone and will come over and we will tour the neighborhood in my wheel-chair.

I am reading a book about prayer.
Prayer has a magical aspect about it when we are humble and thankful.
Prayer can remind us of what is really important in life.
The reality of a transcendental power that pours love into our hearts.
An attitude of gratefulness mixed with a sense of awe.


Saturday, August 7, 2021


                                         Boundaries for the soul.  One book I am attempting to read.

                                          Right now I am reading about five books.

                                           One in every room.  I get confused some time until I rmember which one I                                               am reading.  Where is the detective?  He is in another room.

                                          I am also reading "The Power of the Heart."

                                          Finding your true purpose.

Internal conflict is growth trying to happen.  We feel many differet emotions during the day,  Early in the morning I found the sound of the rain very resful.  I was a little annoyed because dad is sleeping in so late.  He needs his rest and getting annoyed is stupid.

I am trying to believe that I can learn from pain as well as peace and happiness.  I admit I am tired of not being able to do what I would liki to do.

Some things we have to accept.  There are no answers.  Do not ompare your life with others.  I see a young girl jogging buy and I feel envy.  Yes I have had my day,  

I have lots to be thankful for.

The mice expert has not caught any mice.  

I keep forgtting to my night cream on at night so put it on in the morning.

Then I wonder why miracles are not happening.  I am stuck with my wrinkles.

Heartbeat to-night!



Friday, August 6, 2021


                                        Another birthday gift from the two little boys down the street.

I woke up early wanting to see hesoccer game.  I search until I found the title soccer.  I turn it on and it is Canada playing.  Dad joined me and we watched for about 30 minutes before we ralized it was Brazil playing not Sweden.  Then we had to seach for the right one.

Sara arrived and had us all searching for something.  I cannot remember what.  She was searching everywhere.  She found some money I had hidden, and some chocolate bars I had hidden from dad,  She found it.

Next I put a note on the big black garbage bags and dad put them out for the garbage not expecting they would take insulation.  We have the kindess young man and when dad spoke to him he said it was not a problem.  I was so happy to see all the garbage disappear.

I was so surprised when the boys knocked on the door and presented me with my flowers.  /they looked so happy and proud.  They are about 6 and 9.

I rested a lot but I still had pain when I moved so it will with me for awhile longer.

" Here is my secret.  It is very simple,

One sees clearly only with the heart."

A saint.


Wednesday, August 4, 2021


We were sitting at the front window having a second cup when I looked out and saw ////randy and Sandy coming up the drive.  I said to dad here comes trouble!  As you see by this picture they were not dressed for a party.

There were grim determination on their faces.

This is a photo when they were getting ready to leave.

I thought Sandra was a home doing her ofice work, or moving her frniture back, or sitting in the garden reading a book.

Instead they were unstopable as they searched for places the mice were getting in.  I was not allowed to watch.  They took out the fiber glass in the furnace room and filled holes with foam.  Next they moved to many other areas.  

They looked dirty and tired as they perpared to leave.

Great job I said as they left.

Thanks.  We are reay for the exterminator to-morrow.

I would like to make the picture better.  Bigger.

Monday, August 2, 2021


                                                   What a cutie!

                                                     You can never have too many greamma's
                                                Stephen looks healthy and relaxe
Great Grandpa with the boys.

While the family comes over I feel like I am in this big cloud of joy.

My pain is forgotten.

I am thankful Carol andPanteli came over for lunch today.
It is B.C. family day.

The answer is we need to party more!

Henry Nouven writes about the inner force of love.

I believe we need to be more aware of this inner presence that lives within us all.

I also believe that there are times when we should not be alone.
We need each other.
We need to share all our feelings of sadness and happiness.

Yes the pain does returrn and I find relief lying down.

I also get strength and comfort knowing others, like my Colebrook friends are praying for Dad, Rick and myself.


Sunday, August 1, 2021


 Happiness is seeing our family arrive looking so happy.  It has been a long time since we had a visit with Sttephen and Shawna and the boys, they are happy and active and a joy to be with.  Lunch was provided by White 'spot and came with their very own boats.  Ice cream and chocalate to top off chips and hamburgers,

                                                                  Walker is adorabe.  

Seeley likes to talk.  He has had a fun day at the Bear Creek Park riding the little train.

Lincoln and Sandra walked back from our park The children all went with Randy and Sandra to give us time to talk with Shawna and Stephen.  They both glow with pride and happiness.  We love thwm all.

I am too tired so will finish to-morrow.  Hugs and kisses ended our happy day.  


Lunch would be great.!
We did not eat that well yesterday although dad did make french toast.
It was very good.

Sunday I try to start the day with a litle spiritual wisdom about this life time journing we are making that reveals some of themystery of life.

Carol and Panteli came over to encourage us.  I forgot to ask them if they wanted to move furniture.
They set some mouse traps and we really appreciated that.

Dad and I did a little soul searching about our job discriptions  not an easy thing to do.  We need to figure out how we can best help one another.  For me it it letting him do things for me.  I really appreciate this when I am in pain but then I feel better and want to do more.

We both miss being active.
Walkimg in the Water Shed Park together.
Dad riding his bike when every trip was a little adcenture.
We miss going out for lunch and the kind peoople who welcome us with so much love.
And I miss my morning walk.
I miss going to church.
We both miss our friends.

We enjoy watching the Olypics together and also Heartbeat.

I sit at my  window watching the hummingbirds feast on their favorite bush.

I see the neighborhood come to life.
Window shades are open.
Colleen and her mom walked the dogs.
They have a new black lab puppy.
Spenser walked with a Jack Russell and a black boul dog.,
He keeps close to Miyelco.
Now she is a good sport to handle three dogs.

My goal is to be set free from some of my own insecurities.
To be compassion and kind.
Sunday I rest in the love of God which is there every day  !