Tuesday, August 10, 2021


                                                Yes we took a quick trip to see the ducks.

                                                      For me it was like a lttle  adventure.

                                                         Came home to take a long nap.

I feel like I am getting very old losing enthusiasum for another day of resting.  The Bible talks about having a crushed spirit and that is how I feel.  I am praying that the spirit that flows from the heart of God with encourage me.

I have a new dress I bought  months ago and I am determined to wear it to the next party.  It may be in the wheel chair but I want to be there.  Well today is the next party!  I will wear it.

Dad and Spenser check out the book library.
Dad finds two books.
It is jam packed with books.
A lady came by and found a series of her favorite books and she was ghrilled.
/take them all I suggested.
She will bring them back.
I love the sunshine on the water and the ducks happily swimming around.  Thankful no ducks on our street thi summer.

It is important to feel awe at the beauty of nature.  Just to be still and enjoy the moments.

Dad has found a shady place to sit and take a few pictures of me takig pictures.  The walk from the car to the park was very short.

Well Kenny it sounds like you have three dogs now.  That should keep you busy.  I remember when we had three years ago.  It was chaos.

Looking forward to Carol and Panteli bring supper over.  So good to eat together and visit together.

"I will give you a new heart, one filled with awe and wonder, says the Lord God."
I believe this can happen.  It may take time.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

It is hard work doing nothing! Nice to be able to get out for a little bit and get some healing from nature.
