Monday, August 16, 2021


This is Spenser suggling up tp the cat Kim bought me with 20 dollars years ago.

I have a very sore canker sore in my mouth which is gtting worse.
Phone the destist to leave a message for a perscription.
No answer.
I am getting more miserable.
Dad goes over to the dentist.
He has an appointment for to-morrow which he should have gotten when he first broke his tooth.
He will get the perscription for me then.

worried about Rick with the fire so close.
He says he is safe there.
He can always come and stay here, or with Carol or Sandra or Theresa.
The highway is closed.

Talked to my friend /cathy, our old neighbor.
She had plans to do some travelling but that is out of the picture now.

It was good to have a visit from //carol and Panteli, the golfers.
Dad had panned to go to but was not feeling good enough.
He is having back pain too.

I do not plan anymore.
Every day is mostly resting.


1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

Rest up, mom. let the healing take place.