Tuesday, August 17, 2021


I am feeling very dull.
It is a dull and damp day.
I am thankful for the warmth of the fire place.
I am thankful that I feel safe and secure.

I had a bad night with my sore mouth bothering me.
I am in pain every time I stumble to the bath room.
I have a bit of rice and mlk for breakfast.
A dull meal.

The news of the world seems to be one disaster after another.
Fires continuing to burn here in B.C.
The world news is worse.

Is there really a purpose in painful situatios?

Can I find contentment?

Going to the dentist is a good start.
I have promised dad and Sandra I will go at 3 today.
We may both have an appointment of it will just be me now.

Things do not get easier as you get older.
There are set backs at any time of life.
I am trying to believe that within my self there is a inner resilence.
/this comes from deep within the soul.



Ken Bennett said...

wow talk about extremes, from superheat one day to having the fire going! I guess Rick is out of harm's way for the moment. I see another heatwave is coming. Cool and. wet here. We are in lockdown until 02sept now. Kids homeschooling.

Sandra said...

What purpose could there be in painful situations? Pretty sure more likely to make a person bitter and angry than to magically make them peaceful strong and accepting ?

I hate pain, I hate how it screams for attention and interrupts the rest of life. I hate the fear it brings " what if it is this, what if it is that, will it get worse, should I go get medical attention, will it pass?

Pain makes me stupid as I second guess my self and become so focused I lose perspective.

So I hope you find ways to lesson you pain in your back and mouth and today things are better.
