Monday, August 23, 2021



Panteli was able to help me put some pictured from my camera on to the computer.

We were so happy to see them.
They stopped by on their way to having dinner with Chris.
I was happy that he would feel supported by his family.

It had been a difficult day on Monday.
It started with a very upsetting phone call by two people scaming us for money.
I thought it was a friend which made it worse.
I gave the phone to dad wo started to ask questions.
The caller swore at dad and he hung up.

Next someone has hacked into my face book which I cannot get into.

I felt yesterday I should not be on the computer at all.

Dad wantedy the groceries she needed for this week.
Carol and Sandra offered to do it.
We feel so useless.

Dad had several falls yesterday which worries me.

I feel like I am being tested.

Today I will phone my sick friend and we may go visit.


Sandra said...

If the test to see if a picture of Spencer at the back door showed up then you passed.

Sandra said...

Do set the privacy settings on your social media accounts so that only people you know can access your posts and photos. Scammers search Facebook, Instagram and other social networks for family information they can use to fool you.
Do ask questions someone else is unlikely to be able to answer, such as the name and species of your grandchild's first pet.
Do say you’ll call right back, then call your grandchild’s usual phone number. With luck, he or she will answer, and you’ll know that the supposed emergency call is a scam.
Do contact other family members or friends and see whether they can verify the story. Scammers plead with you to keep the emergency a secret precisely so you won’t try to confirm it.
If you speak to someone who claims to be a police officer, do call the relevant law enforcement agency to verify the person’s identity and any information they’ve given you.
Do trust your instincts. As the American Bar Association advises, if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

nancy-Lou said...

Spencer is so darned cute! Is he like our dog Pedro, very easy going and gentle? Except Pedro HATES any changes...He shakes and retreats to the our bedroom where his big comfy bed is.
This is his fourth house and he is 6. so he has had quite a few changes.
WE adopted him when I was living at kens house...and brought him with us when we moved here. it will be our last move and Pedros too. I think Pedro is pretty relaxed here now, we have lived here 17 months now and we hope to have many more happy years here! We finally have all the changes done to the house and garden and it is what we wanted!

Good advice from Sandra! Many seniors are scammed with some unscrupulous people. You cannot be too careful these days.
My gmail was hacked by two different websites and it caused me a lot of problem. I just use apple email and search engines. They are pretty secure compared to Android.

How are you managing for walking Spencer? Does he have a fenced in yard where you can just let him out? Or a run? We have a fenced in yard for Pedro, which is important too, because we have wolves and coyotes and fox around.

Gotta go...have a great evening,
Love, Nancy

Shandel said...

That is so annoying and scary when people like that call. I am so sorry to hear that. Glad Grandpa asked questions and got off the phone. I hope grandpa is ok from his falls.