Thursday, August 26, 2021


I have been looking forward to August 25 when my girlfriends from Colebrook arranged a gathering at the park.  I was sure I would be better by then.  Actually  was feeling a bit worse so I could not visit my sick friend either.  I know I need to rest more.

I am thankful Sara takes Spenser for a walk on the days she is here.

Nice to get two cheerful phone calls from Sandra and Mary.
We were out when Sandra called taking Spenser for a walk at the park.
I sit in the car and an old friend comes over to chat with me.

I was very grateful when Tavia arrived on the afternoon of the 26th.  She was a wonderful help drying the blankets and carrying them up stairs to put on the beds. Why were the blankets on Rick's bed washed?  I have decided to take over doing the laundry with dad's help.  We will do it on Tues. and Thursday.

I am also telling Payton I do not need his help.
Together we can both do the yard work.

WE enjoyed a quiet day today.  

Watching the news is tragic.


Ken Bennett said...

We are holding at 70 or so new cases of covid a day. We may have lockdown extended past next Friday.
Nancy-Lou. was/is our vaccine rate so low??
1.We didn't have a vaccine, Italy stole the vaccine that was promised to us.( don't blame them they had millions of people sick at the time )
2.We had like no cases in the country or very few. Why get vaccinated early? if there may be side effects.
3. We have a few anti-vaxers .
4. We are catching up, I think nearly 70% vaccinated.

With any luck, we will be free to travel by Dec.


Steady-as-rain said...

Doing the laundry is not a good idea.

Steady-as-rain said...

Doing the yard work is not a good idea.

nancy-Lou said...

I agree with Rick, Hire help and don't try to do things you shouldn't be doing. It will only hinder your recovery or maybe even make it worse! It you are not satisfied with what the help are doing. talk to them or hire new people! That is what we did!
our cleaning lady was ok at first but she became lackadaisical and careless. I am not a stickler for being clean, but she wasn't even lifting up the scatter mats and vacumming or washing underneath and behind the doors were not cleaned at all. One day we were out when she came and we saw she left 45 minutes early when she is paid for 2 hours. We have a security camera. So that was it!

The two gals we have now are just amazing...everything is sparkling! Plus they are neighbours and I know them.

How is your back doing? Ken, who is a master in Chi Gong, a chinese healing practice and also in Tai Chi tells me we have pain for a remind us not to overdo things. Something to keep in mind! I have Poly MyagliaRheumatica which gives me muscle pain that is unrelenting at times..

Ken, that is good to hear that Australia is vaxxed to about 70%. Much better now! The Delta Variant is taking a toll here on those unvaxxed and even about 30% of the vaxxed are catching it but not becoming too ill. One nursing home nearby on a reserve has 21 cases of it and the poor old folks were double vaxxed.

Our garden has been keeping us really busy. It is winding down now, with potatoes, carrots and squash and tomatoes and cukes still coming gangbusteers. out freezer is prettyy full!
We planted one melon plant and it has 19 melons and they are larger than the store bought ones! Not sweet yet though, another couple of weeks we think, so hoping for no frost!
Too bad you live so far away or we would have given you some. We have given away lots to our neighbours.

Well we finished our tai chi set and I wanted to write to you and see how thing are. I need to get to work! So wishing you both a great day and take it easy! let your help do the work, OK?

Love, Nancy

Shandel said...

I think it would be a good idea to keep the gardener. Laundry is easier I spose, but help would be much better.