Thursday, August 19, 2021


Yesterday worked out well for both me and dad at the dentist.
Dad had his two teeth pulled out and came home all swollen up.
It had to be done so good to have it over.

Dad spoke to Bob, the dentist, about my sore mouth.
He went and found out what the other partner had done.
The mistake that was made was mine
and my mouth was getting sorer.
I did not want to make another trip over there.
Bob ordered some mouth wash for me.
It kills germs but also numbs the pain.
It was a great help.
It is good I have it as another sore has broken out.

I know that adversity, which we all face, can make us stronger
but I did not hesitate to use my mouth wash.
It is good we help one another.

Payton came and walked the dog this morning.
Sara did not come toay.

Dad did the shopping at Shoppers and remembered to get everything.

"Experience lends depth to out lives that help us understand when othes are hurting."



Sandra said...

My birthday party has been set for a lunch Monday Sept 6, so get busy resting so you can come!


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful to have family birthday parties! We used to but now the day just passes on by.
They were always held at my place and we had such good times, just as your family does too.
Once I hit my seventies I decided it was a lot of work! So we don't do it anymore.

Poor Larry getting his two teeth pulled. that is no fun at all! I hope he is able to get a bridge to fill them in.

I went to the local store to buy some groceries because we are having company tomorrow. I couldn't find a place to park and there were five more cars coming down the street to the store. So I came home...feeling MAD, at all the visitors and cottagers who flood our stores and buy all the gas too. The other day we were going to Pine Falls and needed gas and all three local stores were sold out...yes sold out and this happens regularly.
We have had a huge influx of visitors over the last two summers with Covid.
So we drove to Pine Falls to buy groceries..50kms round trip. I will be very glad when the September long weekend is over...and most people go back to the city.

Ken bought me an instant pot. It is quite the contraption. I am cooking chicken with potatoes and carrots and gravy in 8 minutes believe it or not! This is the third meal I have tried. We do have an old fashioned pressure cooker but it broke the last time we used it. They are pretty awesome to use for tender meats and flavourful too.

How are you feeling today Beth? Are you able to get up and down the stairs in your house?
I hope your pain is a lot less,
Well I better go and check up on the Instant Pot...

Wishing you both a lovely evening
Love Nancy

Ken Bennett said...

nice and sunny here today. I got the grass mowed yesterday. We are in lockdown until the 2nd of September. Sydney may be in lockdown until Christmas.

nancy-Lou said...

Ken, You were so successful at holding Covid at bay, for the first while and now things are out of control again. I am wondering why the vaccination rate is so low compared to countries like Canada, where over 80% have the first shot and I believe it is close to 75% have received
both shots.
Now the federal government, banks and many business's are requiring their workers to have both shots. Masks are not mandatory but most places require them and a lot of the school divisions are too. As you know, school goes in Sept 7 and the kids under 12 haven't been vaccinated. I am sure there will be outbreaks and hope they don't suffer as much as the adults do.
Stay safe and well.