Friday, August 6, 2021


                                        Another birthday gift from the two little boys down the street.

I woke up early wanting to see hesoccer game.  I search until I found the title soccer.  I turn it on and it is Canada playing.  Dad joined me and we watched for about 30 minutes before we ralized it was Brazil playing not Sweden.  Then we had to seach for the right one.

Sara arrived and had us all searching for something.  I cannot remember what.  She was searching everywhere.  She found some money I had hidden, and some chocolate bars I had hidden from dad,  She found it.

Next I put a note on the big black garbage bags and dad put them out for the garbage not expecting they would take insulation.  We have the kindess young man and when dad spoke to him he said it was not a problem.  I was so happy to see all the garbage disappear.

I was so surprised when the boys knocked on the door and presented me with my flowers.  /they looked so happy and proud.  They are about 6 and 9.

I rested a lot but I still had pain when I moved so it will with me for awhile longer.

" Here is my secret.  It is very simple,

One sees clearly only with the heart."

A saint.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

I am always surprised that you have always happening even when you have nothing happening.

My days are so boring in comparison. I woke up about 4am, went for a walk at 6am, worked at 7am, cut the grass at noon, worked till 3:30.
