Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Yes dad and I had a very enjoyable day at the Christmas Tea put on by a group of ladies at church.
It was especially wonderful to sit with Jane and Geof and I was able to take their picture because dad found my camera.  It was hidden in the cushion of the chair in our bedroom.

What a miserable drive for Jane to journey all the way here.  Everyone was delighted to see them.

The church hall looked lovely with decorations and lights and fancy table cloths.

We had a good visit with all our friends.

An enjoyable way to start off the season.

"When you get to your wit's end you will find God lives there!"   -unknown

Monday, November 28, 2016


I woke up because it was so quiet and I listened and there was no rain falling, no wind blowing and no birds chirping.  Yesterday there actually had been crows, about a dozen, in the tree by the T.V. room all squawking.  Maybe there was a raccoon in our yard.

Wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun.

I know my mom would have liked us to call one of our girls Isabella.  She mentioned this in later years.  I wonder if she knew one of Ken's boys had Curtis in his name which was her middle name.

Dad and I have been thrilled to have grandchildren and great grandchildren carry our names.
It has meant a lot to us and yet  I have never thought to mention this fact.


One of the many puddles that are covering the grass at the park.  This picture was taken with my old camera which does not work that well.  You look at a blank screen when you point the camera and hope for the best.

My first walk of the day was over to get my hair cut.  I went looking like the crazy professor with hair sticking out all over.  I feel a lot better but dad things I look just the same.  Questions like do you like my new hair cut or does this dress make me look fat have to be answered with caution.  Hmmm!

Dad went on a very long bike ride and came home with a glowing face and happy adventures with children who were just learning to ride their bikes.   Walking brought him down to earth with his sore feet hurting as usual.

I walked over to the park to take some pictures after a short nap.

Living life to the fullest means that even little things are important. 

Life means having to respond to joys and sorrows
Learning to receive redemption that lifts the ordinary to higher heights.

"Our lives have color but it takes courage to let the colors emerge,
to feel them and to absorb them and to be changed by them."

Sunday, November 27, 2016


Yes dad and I are not at church.  We got an early morning phone call about Justice playing basket ball in the big Sports Center in Langley.  We had promised Justice to come to some of his games so we were sorry to miss church but happy to watch him play and have a visit with Tasha and Trevor as well as Sandra.
This is taken with my old camera which does not show you what you are taking.  I do not know which picture is best.  Tasha has her eyes open but no smile or a smile with closed eyes.  The game was not too exciting as Justice's team was a lot better.  Justice looks like a real athlete and I think he will do well at this sport.

We had a hard time getting these pictures.
I believe this is when Justice in the red and white shoots and scores.

I am still searching for my camera but will try and see if this one works when it is charged up.

"God's appearances changes.  Blessed are those who can recognize Him in any disguise.
-an old Jewish proverb.

Jesus seems to suggest looking for Him in the outcasts.

Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty
or a stranger needing clothes
or ill or in prison?
Whatever  you  did for the least of my brethren you did unto me.!

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I took a picture of this rose but I have lost my camera so this is not the right picture but it is the right rose.  One of the last roses of the summer.  I have looked every where and I wonder if I could have left it out side.  I may have put it down to pull some weeds because I do crazy things like that.

Too wet for a morning walk so I vacuumed.
Went visiting not shopping in the afternoon.

They were having a Christmas party at the Seniors Home.  An amazing piano player and singer.  Their were cookies and trees to be decorated and parcels to be wrapped.  Lots of goodies to eat too.
Joyce actually came down and joined the party and she looked pretty as a picture with a pink knitted sweater and her white hair down all curled up.  Her son had been in so that was good too.  It all looked so cheerful and colorful.

I wanted to have a nap when I came home but it was getting late in the day so I went for a short walk around the park and back.  There are huge lakes of water on the grass and it makes you realize we have had a lot of water.

I will try my pills for awhile and I may get used to them.  So much of medicine is by trail.  One is very fortunate if something works without bad side effects.

I feel lost without my camera and not only that   there is a loss of the sense of grace and stability.
It has been a day of making mistakes.  I will blame it on the rain and the fog which I am sure fogs my mind as well.

Jane you did so well driving Geof to the dentist and losing your way but arriving home safely.
Good for you!

Friday, November 25, 2016


                                                Trying to do some writing.

We enjoyed a visit with Carol in between appointments.  One was out this way and one back in Tssawwasen.  She thinks she may have an allergy maybe to Haiti.  Haiti sure does shed, too bad we cannot make a coat out of it.

Dad went to the library on his bike which was fine by me.  I went to the store to pick up some new pills.  Yikes!  very expensive and lots of side affects.  I would just take half but cannot cut it in half.  I will start them slowly.
I often think I make mistakes because I am only human.  While this is true being human is an awesome thing to be.
Great progress in science, the arts, music and religion has been made by us humans.
We are created in the image of God with a soul that delights in the wonder of this life.
We have been breathed into life by the very breath of God, the Creator!
Each one of us is unique even though there may be people who look like us.

:Our job is not to be Mother Theresa or St. Francis or the Pope it is to do what it is ours to do.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


My camera has been up graded but can you tell?
I did not go for a walk to try it out the wind was ferocious'
There was a great huffing and puffing going on last night as the wind made things bang and bump all night.  Dad had put the garbage out and I woke up to see our big garbage pail blowing down the middle of the road.  It was dark and still early and I was afraid that some one would come around the corner and crashed into this unexpected object.  So I dash out after it with my house coat blowing in the wind.  The wind seemed determined to lift me up into the air.  Maybe I would have disappeared!

Dad and I had a quiet day but we do are shopping trip.  I was doing some spiritual writing which I like to do in the morning.

There is always the need for us to see truth more clearer, especially spiritual truth.  One danger of all religions is they see themselves as better than other ones.  It would be much better if we say our beliefs could be help others to see more clearly.  Loyalty to a group is fine but is it loyalty to truth that is revealed through stories and the experiences of others .

It is a time to put aside judgment and fear and prejudice and a calculating mind because as the gospel of John declares God can only be seen clearly by love!  The heart needs to remain open.  This is hard when we can often feel cynical about all that is going in around us.

"The real problem is no longer not to believe in God
but to believe in humanity."
  - Richard Rohr

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


The sun was lovely and warm but by noon their was a real cold wind and the air was chilly.

Thank you Ken for the film Matthew was a real star.  The ghost busters did not come through but after the hockey dad will try again.  They are both looking so much older and very handsome!

My camera is now on a high focus so I will see how it does to-morrow.  We will be going to shoppers drug to get my supplies and maybe Ophelia
needs some too.

I was sorry to miss my Bible study today with all my dearest friends.

I find scripture gives me a deeper knowledge than one can find in other teachings.

I like to put myself into the story knowing that the Jesus that healed the woman who touched his robe and the young girl everyone thought was dead inspires me to believe in the healing power in the story that lives on and on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


This is a picture taken out side of Sharkie's restaurant on Saturday.  We were to meet Carol there after the talk on Light Houses.  The restaurant is a big and a little dark like a lot of pubs.  Carol got there first and chose a seat at one end very private by windows.  We arrived and took the area by the other windows.  We did not see each other and Carol tried to phone but dad's phone was not answering.
I saw her leave but not come back in.  Eventually we connected.  All is well that ends well.

Dad managed to ride his bike home having it powered helped.  It is painful so he is resting.  The good thing is he took time to soak his feet and put the new ointment on. 

The punch line Ken was when I opened the door to Pat and John.  All the vitamins I have been taking have made we very bloated and full of gas.  I open the door after showing Haiti in the other room and
then I had an explosion of stinky gas.  It was awful.   I should have blamed the dog but I was speechless with embarrassment.  Younger people would think this was a great joke but not me.  One thing about getting older is I do not want to be smelling awful too.

I was thinking how humour has changed from the T.V. shows to the comics nothing seems that funny.  Dad has a good sense of humour and I feel that is so important.

"Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it."  -Jules Renard

"A person with out a sense of humour is like a wagon without springs.  It's jolted by every peddle on the road."  Henry Ward Beecher.

I did go for a walk in the rain looking like a clown.  Red rain pants and a florescent yellow green jacket and a blue hat.  The fresh air was good and I met several old friends who always ask where is Haiti?

Waiting for Ken to send pictures of the school concert.  He will be a proud daddy and so will Melina be a proud mom.

I go to the doctor to-morrow, the urologist in Langley.  I am happy it will be a woman. 

Dr. Nolte wants me to come in next week so maybe he will have some good ideas.

"Just the knowledge of a good book at the end of a long day makes that day happier."
Kathleen Norris.

Monday, November 21, 2016


Yes most of the time most of us have good intentions.
But my day changed when Haiti came to visit.

Our day started with a visit from Sandra after being at the dentist having her teeth cleaned.  I was amazed she was able to drive and other than being a bit pale and a sore hand she looked okay.  My gums have been sore with my insert so I agreed the wise thing to do was visit our friendly dentist Bob Patterson. But not wanting to rush into any thing I got busy doing a few odd things.

The next thing I knew Kim and Haiti arrived.  Haiti had to see the vet with a sore paw.  We jumped at the chance to have Haiti for the day.  I had not had a walk so decided to do a bit through the park and down the hill and up again.  She could have gone even further but I was ready to head for home.

After a rest I had lunch out on the front steps in the warm sunshine.  Haiti loved it too.  Meanwhile day was off on his adventures trying to find a part to fix the taps in the bathtub.  The hot water tap would not stop dripping.  He tried several stores, the last one he phoned to get directions but the receptionist could not tell him how to get there.  He came in the door saying "ha ha I made it here."  She did not even crack a smile.

After he came back he went for a bike ride and the bike slipped on wet leaves and the both he and the bike had a tumble.  He hurt his knee just what he did not need.  To-morrow will tell how bad it is.

I started making supper when Pat and John arrived.  They have some ointment from Mexico they want him to try on his feet.  Very kind of them.  The meat in the oven got cooked well done but that is better than raw. We put Haiti in the dining room because we are concerned she may scare them.  John was game to say hello but not Pat.

I was cleaning up when Kim arrived to pick up Haiti.  She stayed for a visit too so we have had a great day enjoying company.

Faith can renew our enthusiasm for life as acts of kindness and generosity fill our days.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


This is a field in Ladner overflowing with water.  There was a light rain today (Sunday) and dad especially felt chilled.  His feet were painful today but his stomach is better.  He does not complain and I am thankful he like the football games.
I think we do not need more rain!

I learned a good lesson today to be more careful to read the prescription label as I took one of dad's pills not my Pariet.  They are in different cupboards so I must have put it in the wrong place.  No harm done but felt a little shaky.  Dad and I did not make it to church today.

I was thinking and wondering if I would be more religious if I had gone to church?

Would I be more helpful and kind to others if I just read scripture today?

Does what I believe have more power to heal and change me than what others believe?


I do need to be more trusting of God's acceptance of me with all my imperfections.
I do need to be more generous with my time and sometimes money to lose less fortunate.
I did take food over to the food bank instead of taking it to church today.

Ken phoned on his way to work.  The screw has come out of his implant and he will need two new ones to be replaced.  They had to be ordered in so they glued it in so he could go to work.
Life seems to get more and more frustrating some times.

"The light of the love of Jesus shines on us all regardless of our feelings or behavior."
 from the devotional  Jesus Calling .

I want to be more receptive and open to the love and light of Jesus.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Carol phoned to remind me about the man coming to talk about Lighthouses.  It was an amazing talk about the brave souls who took care of these high towers and kept the lights shining.  They were a symbol of hope as well as protection from the rocky areas.  We learn about how the lights were invented and went from candle to using prisms and glass etc..  The stories of the keepers of the light were of hardship and heroism with a few very funny tales as well.  These brave souls were not treated fairly imagine being fired because you took one day off to have an infected tooth fixed.  Years would go by with no time off.  Women wold be left alone while the husband took the boat to get groceries.

The pictures of all the different lighthouses and the story weather that would rage against the foundations was so powerful the waves would reach the top of the windows of the lighthouses.

Carol joins others going up to ask questions.  We think about Oliver and his experiences as a coast guard and his home in on the Island.  Looking forward to seeing him at Christmas.

I think that all of us in our own way are braver than we realize.

"May your dreams be larger than mountains (stronger than the most powerful wave) and may you have the courage to keep climbing and conquering your fears." 

Friday, November 18, 2016


Dad said I take this picture every time we go to the College, and I am sure every time it turns out differently.  Kim wants to be a teacher and she would do a great job because she is disciplined and passionate about her work.  She is saving to go on a trip to Paris to visit all the art galleries etc.  That sounds so exciting to me.

I think Ben is going to Switzerland but I do not know any details.  What  adventures these children are having. 

As a child my imagination would take me on adventures that lots of fun.

Today I had one of those days that I tripped over my own shadow and nothing seemed to go right.
That is until we enjoyed coffee and peanut butter cookies with Sandra and Randy.  He went out and bought some for dad, those fig newtons. 

Randy is trying to hide but my camera found him.  He is busy cleaning up and taking care of Sandra. Her hand is a bit better and she has to be so careful not to bump it.
The kittens came out of hiding for a visit.  They are so cute and playful.

I am thankful there is a reset button on a day when every thing seems to be a struggle.

When I hear about Nancy's challenges with driving and Carl's health problems I feel so blessed to share my life with theirs.

Trying to get hold of Jane, maybe her computer is not working and neither are her phones.  Strange.

My day starts and ends in prayer knowing that I am often the one in need of God's love and grace!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Dad spent the day getting his G.P.S. for the airplane working.  It seemed to be a calming thing for him.  He put it outside and one of Kim's birds checked it out.

I went for a walk and then to the store but dad did not hear me leave and all of a sudden realized I was missing but fortunately I returned before he went looking for me.  He forgot I said I was going to the store.  All is well that ends well.

It has been said that it is important for us to experience every emotion under the sun that makes up a life well lived!

This gives us strength, heart and character.  -Denni Lovato

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Kim's new red bug.  I like it and I am thankful it is safe to drive now.
Kim dropped by to have a rest and then a visit.
She is an exception as she shares her interests and future plans with us.
Yes, everyone is different and communication is something we all have to work at.
These are the happy trio who looked after us at the craft fair of pottery.  Extremely talented group and they were a joy to talk to.  We recognized a lot of Kim's pottery but they pointed out a few new ones she has added to her selection.  It is always a good feeling to be at the school with all the young people rushing here and there.  Dad and I ended up having a long walk because we went in the wrong end and listened to some strange directions but we did find the right place in the end.
Just a few of the treasures.
Kim made the avocado looks good enough to eat.
I hope it finds a good home.

We are all here on this earth for a reason.  Some of us know exactly what it is from a very young age but most of us find life just happens and it is a time of discovery and learning to live your dreams.
This will help others to inspire to live out theirs.

It is good Sandra's operation on her tendon is over and I hope the pain will ease off soon.  Randy is such a good help at a time like this.

I believe the love and support of our family helps our bodies to heal.
Also the vitamins recommended and I have started on.

Let the healing begin!


Kim's new red bug.  I like it and I am thankful it is safe to drive now.
Kim dropped by to have a rest and then a visit.
She is an exception as she shares her interests and future plans with us.
Yes, everyone is different and communication is something we all have to work at.
These are the happy trio who looked after us at the craft fair of pottery.  Extremely talented group and they were a joy to talk to.  We recognized a lot of Kim's pottery but they pointed out a few new ones she has added to her selection.  It is always a good feeling to be at the school with all the young people rushing here and there.  Dad and I ended up having a long walk because we went in the wrong end and listened to some strange directions but we did find the right place in the end.
Just a few of the treasures.
Kim made the avocado looks good enough to eat.
I hope it finds a good home.

We are all here on this earth for a reason.  Some of us know exactly what it is from a very young age but most of us find life just happens and it is a time of discovery and learning to live your dreams.
This will help others to inspire to live out theirs.

It is good Sandra's operation on her tendon is over and I hope the pain will ease off soon.  Randy is such a good help at a time like this.

I believe the love and support of our family helps our bodies to heal.
Also the vitamins recommended and I have started on.

Let the healing begin!


Kim's new red bug.  I like it and I am thankful it is safe to drive now.
Kim dropped by to have a rest and then a visit.
She is an exception as she shares her interests and future plans with us.
Yes, everyone is different and communication is something we all have to work at.
These are the happy trio who looked after us at the craft fair of pottery.  Extremely talented group and they were a joy to talk to.  We recognized a lot of Kim's pottery but they pointed out a few new ones she has added to her selection.  It is always a good feeling to be at the school with all the young people rushing here and there.  Dad and I ended up having a long walk because we went in the wrong end and listened to some strange directions but we did find the right place in the end.
Just a few of the treasures.
Kim made the avocado looks good enough to eat.

We are all here on this earth for a reason.  Some of us know exactly what it is from a very young age but most of us find life just happens and it is a time of discovery and learning to live your dreams.
This will help others to inspire to live out theirs.

It is good Sandra's operation on her tendon is over and I hope the pain will ease off soon.  Randy is such a good help at a time like this.

I believe the love and support of our family helps our bodies to heal.
Also the vitamins recommended and I have started on.

Let the healing begin!


I am being a little crafty which means I am mixed up.

Dad and I will visit Kim's craft fair at her school.  Maybe I will buy a crafty present for somebody sometime.

Then it will be to the health food store to see what magic potion I can buy.

I want to make a deal with my grandchildren who I love with all my heart.  They can ask me all the crafty questions they want and if they tell me one thing they have been doing I will not ask them a ton of questions.  It is called communication!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


What a delight to have Haiti come for a visit.
Walking in the rain did not even dampen my spirits.
Externally my body was feeling wet and cold but it is the internal feelings that bring us happiness.

I have done all my tests at the blood clinic and the results show no improvement so I will have to try harder.  Pat came to visit and says she has the same problem and has some liquid iron she takes so I will give that a try.  She is feeling a lot like me with low energy and irritable.  We had a good laugh about things and with a big hug she was gone and we both felt better.

Dad has gone for a bike ride and I will take Haiti for another short walk as I am not in the mood to clean house.

I need something internal, something deeper than any thought or emotion to guide me and give me strength.

"Life consists of two journeys.
The outward journey of the body through time and space.
The inward journey focuses on creating depth to our existence
discovering who we really are
establishing a sense of meaning and purpose to life
finding our moral and spiritual compass,
deciding  what motivates us.

Monday, November 14, 2016


What a welcome sight to see the bright sunshine knowing rain clouds are forming for to-morrow.

It always is a welcome sight to be greeted by our family.  It was good to have Randy's girls with us.
We can be a noisy group but I love the laughter and the fun.

In the morning on Sunday I took part in the communion service.  Jesus welcomed both Peter who would deny him and also Judas who  would betrayed him.  They had found a room but there was no servant their to wash their dirty feet.  They all sat around in silence waiting.  Jesus washed their feet and would expect them to wash each others feet and to become like servants.  This is the most powerful part of the service that is not often mentioned.

"The ability to serve is not born not out of weakness but out of inner strength."  -Steve Chalke
We are welcomed at the alter that symbolizes a table with the bread and the juice provided.

Many others will be joining us, the young and the old, not out of fear but with thankful hearts.  It is a time to offer not only our hearts but our stories that will live on after us.  

We welcome the spirit of Jesus into our story.  The altar has become a table, life a feast for all. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Yes dad and I finally got to see the new home.  Looked wonderful.

It was a celebration of a visit of Randy's daughter Adena and also Pentali's birthday.
Randy's two daughters share happy times.
We sing Pantli a Happy Birthday.
Sorry Ben.  They all seem happy with their routine.  Busy and happy.
Yes that is Carol with Kim and Theresa.
A happy grandma!
Time out from carrying for Olivia.
Morgan enjoys playing with the kittens.  So darn playful.

Very enjoyable time was had by all!

Friday, November 11, 2016


The invisible thread that holds us all together is kindness.

I had lots of help raking the leaves which I started doing.   Dad did a whole bunch more and then Melody kindly came with her rake to finish the job.  Our little pond is also running again so the back yard looks good again.

Dad wanted her to come in and have some tea but she just wants to help.  She has so much energy it is amazing.  She has no time for idle chatter!

There is an ancient Chinese proverb says there is an invisible threat connecting those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances.  This thread may get tangles but it never breaks.  This really captures many of the friendship I have made over the years.  Jane and Geof are a perfect example!

One tiny moment can be life changing.


Kim and I are staring to get in the Christmas Spirit.
She hung up Christmas stockings and I forgot to take pictures.
Dad and I enjoyed some good warm soup as we visited Carol and Panteli.

I was up early raking up a mess of leaves before heading off to the Senior's Home.  It was a decent day, not raining and not to cold.  We have memories of some very cold services at the Cenotaph down town Vancouver, in White Rock and in Delta and Surrey.  This day has always meant a lot to us especially dad whose both uncles were killed because of the war.  One was killed flying a plane in the Hudson Bay area that crashed but they do not know why. 

His uncles had played a big part in his life and especially liked his electric train set.  His dad was not the same after their deaths.  War is evil.  Some times we have to make peace with things we do not understand or do not like.  The future is not ours to see.

I drove over and had a visit with Joyce and tried to talk her into going to the service down stairs in the dining room.  She was just too tired and had no interest so I stayed and left after our prayer.  As I was leaving the elderly where making their way to the dining room.  It was very touching as some of the men were dressed up in suit jackets with poppies on.  Lots of canes and wheelchairs.  Just think of all the changes these dear souls have witnessed.

This day was another somber occasion with hymns, prayers and laying of the wreaths.  Now is the time to remember the survivors who bodies, minds and spirits have  been wounded by the horror of war.  The Vancouver Sun says remember the survivors!

A war was fought for our freedom and that includes the freedom to vote and we do not always like the outcome but we soldier on!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I did go for a quiet walk today.

Dad did a good job cutting the front lawn and it will take both of us to rake up all the leaves.

We had a quick visit to the new store which combines Home Sense and Winners.  Dad was impressed but his feet were too painful to stay long.  I was able to quickly grab a few items and next we drove over to the library where dad sits and reads.  I picked up a few mysteries which are now waiting for me to solve.

To-morrow I will go to the Senior Home to take Joyce down to the service for Remembrance Day.  She was in the Wrens I believe but I will check that out to be sure.

We seem to be continuing to live in uncertain times. 

God is the joy in our laughter
He is the tears in our sorrow
His Spirit heals the scars of the past
and gives us hope for the days ahead.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Still some color on the remaining leaves but everyday the branches are looking so cold and naked without their leaves.

I was at my Bible study today and we all felt a little hopeless and in shock with the news of the election win of Donald Trump.  Wordlessness.

Our first question was what political leader or religious leader have you lost faith in or in this case are in doubt about what will happen.  Hopefully there will be good people who he is willing to listen to.  His claim to fame is that he listened to those who felt they had not been heard.

I had difficulty putting my answers into words for some reason.  Some times the right words do not come.  Spiritual truth is and always will be a mystery but I am thankful for the words of scripture that help guide me.  I learn a lot by listening to others. 

Today I felt God was looking after me through the kindness of others.  Sandra arranged  a test for me through the doctor which was important for me to have before I go to the urologist.

John Spong writes that his life is still a journey along the Christ path into the mystery of God and words are being replaced with the wonder of wordlessness.  There is a joy that cannot be contained unless we choose to live not by creeds or liturgical form but by embracing this mystery.

My faith gives me comfort and security as I am reminded that the love of God dwells within.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Cathy and Glen came by for lunch but Glen has a sick stomach because of the pain medication.

They brought some coconut macaroons and Cathy made tea.  She is an expert!

We enjoyed their visit.

It was a very warm day we could have almost sat outside especially on our front porch.  Dad went with Kim to the car repair place where they have done all our repairs.  They know the car.  I went for a walk later in the day and meet Melody and she is coming over Sat. to rake leaves.  Our back yard is unbelievable.  Yes every year there are tons more.

We are watching the election in the States and it seems very uncertain.

Jewish wisdom encourages us to be a sacred skeptic
Skepticism inspires us to know more.
Our journey is to be life long learners rather than absolute knowers.

Not seduced by certainty, we can be open to truth.  -unknown.

I visit with dear friends who have gone through difficult times and I have seen the love of God renewing them daily.  Our lives our busy but what a joy to keep in touch with old friends.

Monday, November 7, 2016


This lamp shade was sitting around the coffee room at church where extra stuff just gets left.  Being in need of a new lamp shade I said I will take it home.

Sunday morning there was an announcement during church for whoever took the shade to return it.

I was not in attendance but received two phone calls later in the day from those who had seen me leave with it.  They were laughing when I answered the phone.  Gotcha!  Yes I will bring it back on Wed. when I attend Bible study. 

Today I went to the doctor with dad but I did not go in with him.  The doctor asked a lot of questions and explain some of the reasons for this annoyance.  He has some tests to do so that is good.  We did a little shopping looking through Home Sense.  I bought a new table cloth, the first one in years.  I bought some glasses which I will return as they are not what I thought I was getting from the package.

We both had long naps when we got home.  Yes, a long dull day. 

Kim dropped by with Haiti to talk about the car.
Always nice to see them both!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


At least it is not raining!
The shoe has been claimed!

There is a term that is called Helper's High coined by Allan Luks, a researcher and author, who spent 20 years exploring the "powerful feelings people experience when helping others.  A feeling of moral elevation  of uplifting  and ultimately of well-being.

Put simply when we help others we help ourselves.

Even taking time to phone some one can lift feelings of depression and aloneness.

Seeing some one else do a kind deed can be very touching and beneficial.

Visiting some one who is critically ill can be a sign that we are willing to face suffering and believe we have the energy to bring relief even if it is for a moment.

Jesus was an amazing healer because of his great compassion and his ability to touch others with the energy of his love.

I did have a walk today and a rest so now am off visiting.  I know that as I open the door and smile a big smile and a happy hello my day will improve greatly.  No it is not effortless but worth the effort!

Saturday, November 5, 2016


It seems like there are still Cinderella's around who lose there shoes.

Last night a helicopter kept round and round just over our house.  It makes you wonder what is going on.  Maybe they have spotted the racoons with their masks on running around on our roof top.

Feeling better today, thank goodness.  I need to stay up to put on my wrinkle cream if I am ever going to get rid of a few wrinkles.  I know it is hopeless but you have to keep trying.

 A bit of a strange day going through old pictures and cards.  Yes lots of memories.

"The heart, like the mind, has a memory.
And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes."  Henry W. Longfellow.

We drove over to the library in the pouring rain and were glad to be home again.

My morning stillness is lasting longer. 
Time to listen knowing that it takes time to unclutter my mind and wait for the feeling of inward grace available to us all.

I will not be attending church to-morrow but hope to go visiting.

Friday, November 4, 2016


My camera captures a moment of pure delight.

A special beginning to my day promising a day full of possibilities. 

Dad was a bit better and went for a big bike ride after sewing up his pant pockets.  No more lost wallets.  I did a bit of gardening and a short walk but too tired to go visiting.  I am also sorry I forgot Shawna's birthday and it is even marked on my calendar.

I was glad of dad's help to make supper and woke up from a nap to find the table all set for supper.  A very nice surprise. 

Some days I know I just ramble on. 

I am reminded that keeping on keeping on is important.

"Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to unlocking our potential but discipline and persistent practice."