Wednesday, November 2, 2016


It was a day of heavy showers.
I did not go for a walk but rode with Ev to the church.
Dad went out to buy some needles and thread to prepare for a big job sewing his coveralls.
The pockets are open at the bottom so everything falls through.

My prayer for the morning.
As the earth is soaked with rain,
May my spirit fill the soaking of Your love and Peace.
When my anxious thoughts arise let me give them all to You, Lord.
I am thankful for the small blessings of this day!

What a blessing to see Rick and Chris visiting Leah and Craig and Ophelia.

We had a lot of left over candy and I was wondering what to do with it when Cathy said Glen would appreciate some.  Even dad is being tempted if he can open the packages.  Children always can!

We had a good turn out at our meeting but Jane was missed as well as others like Monica and Jean.
When I ask about the health of a lot of the girls they always say "Can't complain."  It is not in their nature to be complainers but instead are very hard workers with a great sense of humor.  Along with a forgiving attitude a sense of humor is important for women who work together.  Yes we all can be opinionated but that is positive too.

I had a poor sleep so it was an effort to attend but I know it was an effort for others too.  As usual I am glad I attended.  Sandra's comment did not go on so I figure she must have fallen asleep.  I feel bad when others have sleepless nights.

Dad seems a bit better so I am feeling more hopeful.  Some things like regaining health take time.  I hope Carol and Rick are doing better too.

I continue to pray for our family to be open to the loving Presence that brings healing and comfort to us all!


nancy-Lou said...

Mee too, can't complain at all! In fact I am very fortunate to have good health at my age. Sure a few aches and pains from arthritis...but nothing like Carl has to put up with. Had a good doctor`s appt today.

One could `smell`the oncoming snow when I went out to plug the meter (again) at the hospital in Winnipeg. I knew it wasn`t going to be an easy drive home....especially because we live 130 kms north of the Winnipeg and the weather can be very different here. Sure enough it was almost a white out for most of the drive home. Luckily most of the snow was melting on the highway...but it did get slushy the further north we drove. We don`t have winter tires i delayed with our insurance claim.

How wonderful family visit the new baby and he parents often. Ophelia has brought a lot of happiness to all your family hasn`t she? She is such a little dainty.

Personalities always seem to blossom forth in study groups don't they? We all are so different in our thoughts and likes.

I hope the soaking rains give way to a sunny day soon. I remember how gloomy it can be.

I wish you a lovely evening, Beth,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Ice and warm today. Melina and I did some shopping after dropping the kids off at school. We were going to eat breakfast out but decided against it as a mothers group with what looked like 10 babies were in our intendant restaurant.
Last late shift tonight for Melina. I go back to work at11am on Saturday. Then four late shifts , 12:45 - 1am finniehes depending if all flights on time.

Unknown said...

l am grateful that all we had to deal with was heavy rain not a blinding snow storm yesterday.Driving in a white out is no fun. Our sing along went vey well .we sat next to a lady who had a very good voice and it was a joy to sing with her.The alzheimers meeting was on the depressing side many people having to deal with difficult situations.i do miss the U.C.W. Group at ColbrooK. l hope you and Larry have an enjoyable and productive day. Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Ken, I was wondering if the people in Australia celebrated Hallowe'en? Did your kids go out trick or treating?


beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy
Driving in bad weather snow or rain is miserable
and driving back from Alberta we often got caught in snow storms.

Ken's kids went out but only a few people came to the door
and they only had a few at their house.

Ken those late ships must be awful
Too bad you couldn't enjoy breakfast out
but I understand if it is noisy
here it is people yelling and talking loud
and loud music.

I made a doctor's appointment for dad today as
he is having the runs again with stomach cramps.
He refuses to go but he will have no choice.

Life is to precious to be afraid to leave the bathroom.

He had this before the operation and it is continuing.

No one likes to go to the doctor but we do not always have a choice.

Yah so I am the one complaining today!

Love mom

Sandra said...

I thought I put up a comment?

I guess we can always look at someone worse off then our selves to stem our complaining. It is odd to be having breakfast down stairs again. I was kind of getting use to living all one one level. Randy plans on getting storage built out in the garage so he can move all of his modeling stuff out there. I want to get a nice murphy bed for the down stairs guest bedroom so we can sleep on it if we have lots of company at once.

Our candy is almost all gone, so we wont be tempted much longer.

I just found out at my Pilates on Wednesday that there was a shooting very close to our house last Friday, at just 7:30pm! I always try to remember to take my phone with me just in case something happens, but never thought I would have to worry about drive by shootings.
