Saturday, November 26, 2016


I took a picture of this rose but I have lost my camera so this is not the right picture but it is the right rose.  One of the last roses of the summer.  I have looked every where and I wonder if I could have left it out side.  I may have put it down to pull some weeds because I do crazy things like that.

Too wet for a morning walk so I vacuumed.
Went visiting not shopping in the afternoon.

They were having a Christmas party at the Seniors Home.  An amazing piano player and singer.  Their were cookies and trees to be decorated and parcels to be wrapped.  Lots of goodies to eat too.
Joyce actually came down and joined the party and she looked pretty as a picture with a pink knitted sweater and her white hair down all curled up.  Her son had been in so that was good too.  It all looked so cheerful and colorful.

I wanted to have a nap when I came home but it was getting late in the day so I went for a short walk around the park and back.  There are huge lakes of water on the grass and it makes you realize we have had a lot of water.

I will try my pills for awhile and I may get used to them.  So much of medicine is by trail.  One is very fortunate if something works without bad side effects.

I feel lost without my camera and not only that   there is a loss of the sense of grace and stability.
It has been a day of making mistakes.  I will blame it on the rain and the fog which I am sure fogs my mind as well.

Jane you did so well driving Geof to the dentist and losing your way but arriving home safely.
Good for you!


Sandra said...

Mom, if you do not take your medication as prescribed by the doctor then you can not expect it to work as it is suppose to. Please take the correct dosage. IF you then have terrible side affects go back and see her. Do not go assuming that all listed side affects are going to happen. Remember the reason for taking it in the first place.

I hope Mary is just as bossy as me when I get old and makes sure I follow instructions.

I have sent a message to Tasha. I think she says that Justice is playing at 11:40, if that is the case picking me up at 11;15 is kind of cutting it close. Must take after her Auntie.


nancy-Lou said...

AHHHH, Sandra, you are such a good daughter...Beth, she is right! I was going to say the same thing...but, it isn't my place to do that!
They scare so many people with the side effects they list on the info that accompanies the drugs. They usually are rare and the drug companies just want to cover themselves in case of law suits.
I know some of the drugs Carl takes have many scary side effects and without taking them he would be in a hospital bed unable to move.

Sorry you lost you camera...and hope that you find it indoors, not out in the rain. Maybe put your name and tel # on it, so it can be returned if lost in a public place.

The party at the senior's home sounds like a lot of fun! Good for everyone who volunteers to bring the residents some cheer. I could picture Joyce looking "spiffy in her pink sweater with her white hair! Maybe you could take some photos the next time you visit there?

Well the winter storm is on its way and is announcing its approach with strong gusting winds that are making the trees on the north side of our driveway dance. They are tall spruce, trees that I planted many years ago to give our house protection from the strong north winds. They were about 5 feet tall then and now are about 40 feet tall.

I have some orders to get together and ship today. They are prints and cards people have ordered for Christmas better get busy!

I wish you a blessed Sunday.
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Very good advice!
I am on the pill.
love mom