Sunday, November 13, 2016


Yes dad and I finally got to see the new home.  Looked wonderful.

It was a celebration of a visit of Randy's daughter Adena and also Pentali's birthday.
Randy's two daughters share happy times.
We sing Pantli a Happy Birthday.
Sorry Ben.  They all seem happy with their routine.  Busy and happy.
Yes that is Carol with Kim and Theresa.
A happy grandma!
Time out from carrying for Olivia.
Morgan enjoys playing with the kittens.  So darn playful.

Very enjoyable time was had by all!


nancy-Lou said...

GREAT photos, Beth. One can feel the love there...everyone is having such a good time.I thin you captured almost everyone. What did you have for supper?
Sandra and Randy's house looks warm and inviting. Great job on the reno's.

Morgan and Ben are growing up so quickly. Do you remember when you were young and we thought we would never grow up. We were always wanting to be older to be able to do things....but now we would like to be younger...take away a lot of years!

It is another beautiful day....after many weeks of above normal temps it looks like the honeymoom will be over at the end of the week when a snowstorm ushers in a blast of artic air. I am hoping for not much snow or freezing rain because we have an early morning appt for Carl on Monday at a clinic in Winnipeg. He will receive the first infusion of the arthritis drug. It takes 6 hours, so I will have some time to kill. Probably do some "thrifting" one of my favourite things to do, when I have time. He has another infusion two weeks later. It lasts for a year.

There was a near drowning in the river at the next town to ours. Two adults and two children were saved after their small boat swamped in large waves. Some fishermen were able to get them into their boat...otherwise they would be gone. It was really hard for the fishermen to get to them due to the large waves and the bobbing up and down of both boats. I am sure this guy will receive a medal...well deserved. The weather changed abruptly in the afternoon when the wind picked up and swung to the north.

Well I am off to look after the birds....water ( I have the water heater in already ) seeds, peanuts and fat. They are waiting for me!

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Thanks for getting the pictures up so fast mom. And I will not MAKE you do anything you do not want to, I will just take away the planning. If you choose not to go that will be up to you.

I was glad to be able to give Craig and Leah a bit of a break. I remember how frustrating it is to have a fussy baby. You feel so horrible because you are mad but you just want them to stop crying. When I was talking to Ophelia telling her I would start crying too I was not lying! Takes nerves of steel.

Glad that everyone had a good visit, I over cooked the roast though trying to have everything ready too soon.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful evening, great food, great company, great kitties! Thanks for the cards and present! Panteli

Unknown said...

What amazing energy you have Sandra, all the renovating , looking after animals , working and organizing big family parties which l enjoy vicariously via Beth's blog. Glad you had help in getting up the leaves Beth l hope they are all down in your area there are a few left on the trees around here but fortunately l don't have to clear them up. yes the threads that weave the tapestry of life are important however sadly as we age some of the threads are now hanging loose as our friends are no longer with us. We went to a wonderful concert yesterday afternoon at the united church given by the best choir l have ever heard.The church was filled to capacity and the choir received a standing ovation. We are really enjoying the sunshine this morning and will go for a walk along the sea wall after lunch.Bye for now. Love Jane.

beth bennett said...

Sandra the potatoes and broccoli and salads were great
but I do have trouble eating meat now with my teeth etc.

Cooking a roast can be tricky especially when one does not do
it too often.

Thanks Sandra for making an appointment.
I am very tired and cranky these days as dad
will agree.

What an amazing family!

love mom