Wednesday, November 23, 2016


The sun was lovely and warm but by noon their was a real cold wind and the air was chilly.

Thank you Ken for the film Matthew was a real star.  The ghost busters did not come through but after the hockey dad will try again.  They are both looking so much older and very handsome!

My camera is now on a high focus so I will see how it does to-morrow.  We will be going to shoppers drug to get my supplies and maybe Ophelia
needs some too.

I was sorry to miss my Bible study today with all my dearest friends.

I find scripture gives me a deeper knowledge than one can find in other teachings.

I like to put myself into the story knowing that the Jesus that healed the woman who touched his robe and the young girl everyone thought was dead inspires me to believe in the healing power in the story that lives on and on.


nancy-Lou said...

Colder....I wish it would get colder here! It is like a spring thaw with such a mess of mud and wet snow and ice. This weather is very odd for is so damp and foggy and it makes my arthritis very sore. Carl is doing well on the meds he received. The swelling in his hands has gone done a lot, but they are very deformed from all the damage the RA has done...he has trouble gripping things and often drops them. I am going to buy him a special set of cutlery that has good grips on the handles.

It is snowing lightly and I am hoping things don't freeze overnight because I got a call from the dermatologist to see him tomorrow. It is about the lesion on my hasn't healed in 15 months. I didn't care for the woman doctor I saw for the first biopsy so our doctor ( she was the one who is all out for rushing patients thru and making money on botox etc. ) arranged this appointment for me. It is downtown in Winnipeg.

Is it the end of the school year for Ken's children? Do they have the next two months off and start a new grade in school afterwards? What grades are they in? I bet the video of them was cute. It is nice to be able to follow along with their achievements.

Jane, I love music too, and really enjoy playing for sing alongs. I will be playing for the Christmas one at the Senior's Scene. Have an enjoyable time.

Glad to hear that Larry didn't hurt his knee too badly and is able to get out for another bike ride.

Wishing you both a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy it seems it is always one problem after another.

We always try to find ways of making things better, like better grips on the cutlery.

Hope your trip goes okay and you get a good check-up.

/weather does seem to affect us all. Our driving and our aches and pains.

Sending healing thoughts to you both.

Love beth

Anonymous said...

Our kids last day of school is 21dec this year. Then return back in a new grade 28 Jan. Only five weeks off , but we get four two week breaks during the school year.