Monday, November 21, 2016


Yes most of the time most of us have good intentions.
But my day changed when Haiti came to visit.

Our day started with a visit from Sandra after being at the dentist having her teeth cleaned.  I was amazed she was able to drive and other than being a bit pale and a sore hand she looked okay.  My gums have been sore with my insert so I agreed the wise thing to do was visit our friendly dentist Bob Patterson. But not wanting to rush into any thing I got busy doing a few odd things.

The next thing I knew Kim and Haiti arrived.  Haiti had to see the vet with a sore paw.  We jumped at the chance to have Haiti for the day.  I had not had a walk so decided to do a bit through the park and down the hill and up again.  She could have gone even further but I was ready to head for home.

After a rest I had lunch out on the front steps in the warm sunshine.  Haiti loved it too.  Meanwhile day was off on his adventures trying to find a part to fix the taps in the bathtub.  The hot water tap would not stop dripping.  He tried several stores, the last one he phoned to get directions but the receptionist could not tell him how to get there.  He came in the door saying "ha ha I made it here."  She did not even crack a smile.

After he came back he went for a bike ride and the bike slipped on wet leaves and the both he and the bike had a tumble.  He hurt his knee just what he did not need.  To-morrow will tell how bad it is.

I started making supper when Pat and John arrived.  They have some ointment from Mexico they want him to try on his feet.  Very kind of them.  The meat in the oven got cooked well done but that is better than raw. We put Haiti in the dining room because we are concerned she may scare them.  John was game to say hello but not Pat.

I was cleaning up when Kim arrived to pick up Haiti.  She stayed for a visit too so we have had a great day enjoying company.

Faith can renew our enthusiasm for life as acts of kindness and generosity fill our days.


nancy-Lou said...

|My goodness you and Larry had quite a day! I hope his knee isn't seriously damaged..that would be quite a tumble. Was he able to ride or walk the bike home? Hope is wasn't too far away.

How wonderful Haiti came for a visit. I am sure she would bring you love and happiness...dogs have a special gift for that.

The little Maltese dog from across the street was freezing at our door yesterday when our son came to let our dogs out for a bathroom break. Poor little Pixie...she is so neglected. She comes in the cat pet door which leads into our sunroom, which is not heated, but she barks at the door and we let her in. Our son let her in and she is still here this morning...she doesn't want to go home. Quite a dilema when we know that she is not well cared for. We have asked to adopt her a number of times....but no. We let her come and go as she pleases.

The highways are a mess this morning with freezing rain. So glad our long day in the city is over and we are safe at home. Carl was up all night and kept me awake too. He was given a very strong dose of prednisone and he is so wired....yelling at Trump on TV and talking non stop...driving me nuts! I will be glad when it wears off..the drug he was given, Rituxin, is toxic...the nurse had to wear a special gown and gloves because it would burn her skin if it touched is a drug used for cancer chemo, but they found out it works for rheumatoid arthritis too. The prednisone was given to ward off allergic reactions...and they give Benadryl as well...he does it all again in two weeks.

It is snowing like a banshee....everything is white and looks so pretty. We are snug in our home ....warm and cozy. there will be shoveling for me later on!

How wonderful Kim comes often and you have so many friends and family who care so much about you both! You are much loved by your friends and family.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

What a busy day you had yesterday .So sorry that Larry had a fall and hope he is healing well. Geof is off to his day programme and l will attend a meeting for caregivers at the church this morning and then its off to the swimming pool and then lunch with a few people l have met at the pool. Hope to finish the" who done it" l had my nose in yesterday .Weather looks a bit grim this morning.Carl's treatments sound most unpleasant l hope the worst one doesn't have to go on for much longer.All good wishes , love . Jane

Anonymous said...

I was waiting for the punch line 🐯Like Haiti ran away 🐶How's dads knee? Did the feet cream work? The kids end of year celebration is on today. What bad weather 16c windy and hail around. Did dad get the tap fixed?
Ps Melina feeling better.

Sandra said...

Soooo, you never did call the dentist?

Your days are always so full. I did a bit of cleaning and tidying up. Took Peanut to the vet which is a good thing as I had written down some instructions incorrectly.

Tried to do some work on the computer but found it still hurts to type so just watched some Netflix.
