Monday, November 28, 2016


One of the many puddles that are covering the grass at the park.  This picture was taken with my old camera which does not work that well.  You look at a blank screen when you point the camera and hope for the best.

My first walk of the day was over to get my hair cut.  I went looking like the crazy professor with hair sticking out all over.  I feel a lot better but dad things I look just the same.  Questions like do you like my new hair cut or does this dress make me look fat have to be answered with caution.  Hmmm!

Dad went on a very long bike ride and came home with a glowing face and happy adventures with children who were just learning to ride their bikes.   Walking brought him down to earth with his sore feet hurting as usual.

I walked over to the park to take some pictures after a short nap.

Living life to the fullest means that even little things are important. 

Life means having to respond to joys and sorrows
Learning to receive redemption that lifts the ordinary to higher heights.

"Our lives have color but it takes courage to let the colors emerge,
to feel them and to absorb them and to be changed by them."


nancy-Lou said...

Isn't it amazing how children can put a big smile on our face? We seem to pick up their energy and excitement. I bet Larry had fun watching them learning how to ride their bikes...takes me back to my Father helping me learn how to ride a two wheeler! I guess we can all relate to that. Larry's bike sure gets him out and about when otherwise he wouldn't be able to walk very far. So glad he has that.

Have you looked down the sides of your couch for the camera...often things hide there! You might even find some errant change! I think your old camera doesn't show the picture of what you are going to take...on the screen. You need to look thru the viewfinder. My older Nikon camera is like that too and I took it to a friend who is a camera buff to see why the picture wasn't showing up on the screen and he told me I had to look thru the view finder...oh boy!

It is snowing like a banshee so a good day to stay home. A baking day! I will make some oatmeal lace cookies....they will come in handy tomorrow when we have company stopping by for a visit.

AHHH the joys and sorrows of life....I had a call, FINALLY, from Autopac regarding the insurance claim for our van. It has been 5 months since the motor seized. A supervisor called me and we are working on things. They want us to pay for taking more of the motor apart...and I think it is their repsonsibility. We already paid a lot to do that. Wish me luck!I had to contact the MLA responsible for crown corporations before they would move ahead. So many people have tried to commit fraud that they are super wary now..but that doesn't explain the 5 month delay and all the phone calls I made that were ignored. I am not a person to create trouble...but feel I was treated very unfairly. The supervisor agreed and apologized for that. Sooo I will hear from her on Wednesday.

Have a wonderful day....lovely photo of the puddle in the park and the tree reflections.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy that is unbelievable.
I do hope your supervisor straightens things out.

Thank you for the camera tips.

Hoping you will hear some good news.

You really encourage me. Thank you.

Love Beth