Monday, November 28, 2016


I woke up because it was so quiet and I listened and there was no rain falling, no wind blowing and no birds chirping.  Yesterday there actually had been crows, about a dozen, in the tree by the T.V. room all squawking.  Maybe there was a raccoon in our yard.

Wonderful to feel the warmth of the sun.

I know my mom would have liked us to call one of our girls Isabella.  She mentioned this in later years.  I wonder if she knew one of Ken's boys had Curtis in his name which was her middle name.

Dad and I have been thrilled to have grandchildren and great grandchildren carry our names.
It has meant a lot to us and yet  I have never thought to mention this fact.


Anonymous said...

Hobey and Tyler both have Curtis in their names.
In the middle of 5 early shifts. Ugh. .just made fried egg sandwiches for dinner , at least they ate um. I am taking the out for dinner tomorrow and Friday night Melina is home thank God. The kids are enjoying their swimming lessons , this week and all of next week. They don't get homework anymore this year as they only have three weeks left of school. December 20th is their last day this year.
All doing well ,no sickness in the house.

Steady-as-rain said...

I didn't your mother wanted you name a baby Isabella. Was this her mother's name? Or something like that?



Sandra said...

I am always hopeful that the kids will pick one of my names, but I guess it will have to be one of my grandchildrens children, if it ever does happen. I will not be around to see that.

working on the santa sack for Seeley. I have been trying to figure out how to do the mirror image printing of over an hour. stupid computers. It was of course super simple but the help for the printer does not tell you what to do.

Randy and I will be out today picking the appliances for the new kitchen. Be big ticket items and best to just hand over the visa and not look!


nancy-Lou said...

Names...Isabella is such a pretty name and one that runs back for many generations in my Irish family. If I had a girl what would have been her name too.
Who was called Isabella in your family, Beth?
We also have a Norman French name that carried through my Irish family since William the Conquerer times....Brabazon...everyone has it as a middle name including me. Names really are important!

How are you feeling Beth? Are the new pills helping out with your bladder problems? Carl takes a pill that has helped a lot, but he still has to wear pull-ups.
He has an appointment with the Urologist coming up and the cystoscopy scheduled for January. I think he has to have one three times a year due to the low level cancer in the bladder.

I hope you found your newer camera....they seem to "get legs" and disappear don't they? That is an old expression that is a colloquialism in this area. There are quite a few different terms that the old timers use....another my dear Mother in Law used is....That old man is dotting! (forgetful).

It is a pretty white landscape when I look out the window. The heavy snow is outlining the branches of the trees. I am getting ready to go outdoors and put up the winter lights in one of the trees, take my dogs for a walk and feed the birds. The temperatures are mild for this time of year...-1C, but getting colder next week....-30 at night!

How is Haiti doing? Has she been over to visit lately?

Have a great day,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Isabella was my mother's mothers name.

Mom's name was Elsie Curtis Smith.

Dad's mom really like the name Carol Anne

so we liked it too.

No Haiti has not been by.

The pill is helpful but makes me feel a little sick.

Off to see Dr. Nolte to-morrow about the iron.

I very low in energy and would like to get a boost for Dec.

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

Carol Anne is a lovely name..and a lovely daughter you have too!

I do hope your doctor can help you with your low must be very frustrating to feel so tired. Maybe you need a B12 shot? That really perks up a friend who has Crohn's disease...instant energy! The B12 pills helped our son too, who is a vegetarian.

The abscess and infection in the bone has come back again...I think this is the fifth time...I am frustrated too.
I called the dentist this morning and he will order me antibiotics.

They wanted me to come in, but I am not travelling on these bad roads. Going to see my doctor in Wpg about it next week and get some good help.

Feel better soon, my friend,

love, Nancy