Monday, November 14, 2016


What a welcome sight to see the bright sunshine knowing rain clouds are forming for to-morrow.

It always is a welcome sight to be greeted by our family.  It was good to have Randy's girls with us.
We can be a noisy group but I love the laughter and the fun.

In the morning on Sunday I took part in the communion service.  Jesus welcomed both Peter who would deny him and also Judas who  would betrayed him.  They had found a room but there was no servant their to wash their dirty feet.  They all sat around in silence waiting.  Jesus washed their feet and would expect them to wash each others feet and to become like servants.  This is the most powerful part of the service that is not often mentioned.

"The ability to serve is not born not out of weakness but out of inner strength."  -Steve Chalke
We are welcomed at the alter that symbolizes a table with the bread and the juice provided.

Many others will be joining us, the young and the old, not out of fear but with thankful hearts.  It is a time to offer not only our hearts but our stories that will live on after us.  

We welcome the spirit of Jesus into our story.  The altar has become a table, life a feast for all. 


Sandra said...

It is amazing how much nicer it is with a little sun. Even walking in the dark of the morning and being able to see a few stars up there is a nice change.


beth bennett said...

I walked Haiti in the rain today.

She does a lot of sniffing.

The sun is coming out now.

love mom