Friday, November 18, 2016


Dad said I take this picture every time we go to the College, and I am sure every time it turns out differently.  Kim wants to be a teacher and she would do a great job because she is disciplined and passionate about her work.  She is saving to go on a trip to Paris to visit all the art galleries etc.  That sounds so exciting to me.

I think Ben is going to Switzerland but I do not know any details.  What  adventures these children are having. 

As a child my imagination would take me on adventures that lots of fun.

Today I had one of those days that I tripped over my own shadow and nothing seemed to go right.
That is until we enjoyed coffee and peanut butter cookies with Sandra and Randy.  He went out and bought some for dad, those fig newtons. 

Randy is trying to hide but my camera found him.  He is busy cleaning up and taking care of Sandra. Her hand is a bit better and she has to be so careful not to bump it.
The kittens came out of hiding for a visit.  They are so cute and playful.

I am thankful there is a reset button on a day when every thing seems to be a struggle.

When I hear about Nancy's challenges with driving and Carl's health problems I feel so blessed to share my life with theirs.

Trying to get hold of Jane, maybe her computer is not working and neither are her phones.  Strange.

My day starts and ends in prayer knowing that I am often the one in need of God's love and grace!


Sandra said...

Thank you for stopping by and breaking up the monotony of my day. Keep thinking of things I want to do but of course it needs two hands.

Rather than expecting the grandchildren to come prepared with conversation, how about you have different unexpected questions? Instead of "whats new" How about "did you cry this week" Did anything make you laugh today? Have you met anyone new recently? Or have you ever asked them what their believe in regards to god or an afterlife?

I had a nap after you left ( peanut was up at 2 am, hope her bladder infection is not back) and then just puttered around waiting for bedtime.


Unknown said...

Yes Beth l am still in the land of the living just a bit busy and a little bit tired it seems a small thing but l have not adjusted to the hour change very well so my morning times are a bit mixed up. Have been meaning to phone you ! Don't know why you wern't able to get through to me . Sandra l'm glad your operation is over .Take good care of yourself. We are going to a church bazaar this morning with Elizabeth and .l am already running behind . So bye for now Jane.

Mama Lee said...

I had to laugh when I read about the fig newton cookies. I bought a package of them for Dave for his birthday last weekend! He really likes them too.
It is a good thing we can press the restart button every morning. So far so good for today though.
Hope you & Larry have a great weekend!
Love, Lee

nancy-Lou said...

That is an artistic photo of the water and reflections of the grasses etc. Quite lovely and brightens my day. Nice to see Sandra ( and Randy in the background) along with the kitty...they would be great company for her as she heals from the surgery.

My boy, Gilbert always comes down to see my piano students....he loves attention and is one of the most gentle fellows ever. He is a Sylvester cat....and is 13 now. Slowing down, but still likes to go outdoors unless it is this cold. Then he is an indoor cat for 4 or 5 months.

There were lots of accidents on the roads last night with black ice, slush and snow. Sure glad we don't have to go anywhere today. One of the locals lost control on the hill and his trailer flipped over and pulled his truck into the ditch...other cars hit it when they lost control. Fortunately no one was badly hurt.

I am glad Kim is going to be a is such a rewarding career. Especially teaching the arts, which I think she would like to do. It is nice to hear of what she is doing and what her plans are. You rock Kim...keep up the good work! She will have a few years to go in school...but they will fly by quickly.

I love this time of year when my music students are preparing Christmas music for various parties and church functions. We are having so much fun. We are going to have a trio with one playing the piano, one on a hand drum and one with bells. They all know each other at school. Even the new students at primer level learn Christmas Carols. The piece they are learning is a Celtic version of Away in a is an upbeat version.

I have to go outside and fix the bird bath....the raccoons played havoc with it last night...spilling most of the water out and putting sunflower seeds in it. They threw the heater on the ground and everything froze....darned raccoons.

I wish you a wonderful day, Beth and Larry...hope you are feeling better and have no pain.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Your comments brighten my day! Always good ideas too!

Love mom