Monday, November 7, 2016


This lamp shade was sitting around the coffee room at church where extra stuff just gets left.  Being in need of a new lamp shade I said I will take it home.

Sunday morning there was an announcement during church for whoever took the shade to return it.

I was not in attendance but received two phone calls later in the day from those who had seen me leave with it.  They were laughing when I answered the phone.  Gotcha!  Yes I will bring it back on Wed. when I attend Bible study. 

Today I went to the doctor with dad but I did not go in with him.  The doctor asked a lot of questions and explain some of the reasons for this annoyance.  He has some tests to do so that is good.  We did a little shopping looking through Home Sense.  I bought a new table cloth, the first one in years.  I bought some glasses which I will return as they are not what I thought I was getting from the package.

We both had long naps when we got home.  Yes, a long dull day. 

Kim dropped by with Haiti to talk about the car.
Always nice to see them both!


Unknown said...

Well l guess you will now be shopping for a new lampshade. Nice picture of kim and Haiti, reminds me of our dog Brandy who scared everyone in the neighbourhood with his fierce look and bark.Haiti l think looks bigger in this picture than in reality. Big day today in the states and for the rest of us too. Be well. Love Jane.

Sandra said...

I guess even at a church people need to put signs on things "do not take" .

I have the opposite problem, I have a lamp shade and no lamp.

In case you decide to give her a try.


nancy-Lou said...

oh oh....Beth you may become know as Ms. Light fingers! hahha just teasing you. Who would know that the lamp shade had a home already!

That is a lovely photo of Kim and Haiti....she does look bigger,...such a pretty girl...both of them!

Well Carl survived the colonoscopy...he sure was worried when I drove him in to the hospital this morning...really early. It has been very mild with high dew points and our car was overed in ice this snow, but ice fog caused the icing on the car. There was a detour too on a very rough muddy road..but we to the hospital in time. Now he can eat again.

Good for Larry, seeing the doctor and getting some tests done. I hope they can find out what is going on and give him some relief.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow for Carl to see the cataract surgeon...hopefully he will be able to get him in soon for the surgery. He is pretty much blind in the one eye. Another day on the road....tiring.

The does and bucks are running through our yard...galloping along. It is that time of year and the bucks are not in a good mood so I stay away from them if they are in our yard and I am out feeding the birds.

There is a lovely Catholic Church in Beausejour,where we were today. it is called St. Mary's and is so well cared for. I would have liked to see the paintings on the walls inside, but it was locked. There is an annual pilgrimage there every September and they have a grotto on a hill with statues and cross.

Have a great evening,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I will be in touch with the Naturepath. soon.

Love mom