Thursday, November 3, 2016


Still lots of colorful leaves hanging on.
Now that they are falling the sidewalk is very slippery.
Another reason to walk carefully.

I do not know if it is very ethical to make an appointment for your husband at the doctors when he refuses to go.  I know exactly how he feels but running to the bathroom continually is no way to live and there must be a reason for it.  The main thing is to have everything checked out.  Could be many things but gallstones is not the problem any more.

Jane you have an even tougher situation and I know that things may have to change for you too.
Looking back just think of all the tough times we have gone through and I know we will get through this too.

It would be easy to be ethical if it was only about keeping rules of right and wrong.  Over the years our values have changed and nothing seems black and white to me.    Moses believed that having 10 commandments would solve all his problems with the rebellious mob under his control.  His goal was to guide the Israelite's to the promised land.  This would require a new way of thinking about the value of community and the value of a God of love showing people how to live.

Jesus shone a new light on the law that includes loving your enemy as your neighbor so that what we call ethical is greater love for each other.

If I am doing something with the goal of it being for their well being I see that as ethical.

"The Dalai Lama once summed it up this way: "We must learn the law very well, in order to know how to break it properly. 

Life is not an exam.  We learn the hardest lessons through our mistakes!


Unknown said...

Making ethical decisions is not an easy business something that sometimes is helpful to me is to think of the situation as belonging to someone else what would i think of their decision. l am so sorry that Larry's condition has not been alleviated by the gaul bladder surgery . Geof is in need of being close to a bathroom. fortunately there are so many elderlies living in this area with similar problems that almost every shop has facilities. l also keep extra supplies with us in the car and fortunately Geof does not suffer pain very often.l can also identify with the problem although fortunately infrequently. lt looks as if we are going to have a sunny day today and there is no wind at present great! So nice to speak with you yesterday. Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Ethics....a good suggestion, make it an impersonal decision. I will remember that and thank-you!

Has Larry ever had a colonoscopy? It may be something to consider. The worst part is the prep the day before....but I am sure you already know this! Poor Larry, he has suffered so much. I hope he keeps the doctor's appointment. Good for you Beth....we have to be pro-active these days.

It is a beautiful day here. One would think it was a September day rather than a November day. It is supposed to be nice for another we must put this in our memory back because we know all about "payback" in the prairies. It is coming!

It has been a busy day so far. I am working with a Casino who may buy some art from me for their gift shop Keeping my fingers crossed.

Also still dealing with autopac...our car insurance people, trying to get the claim settled. The problem is....every time I call I have to deal with a different adjuster and there is no continuity...everything has to be explained again and again.
I am getting frustrated and may call their ombudsman...I did that once before and received help. It has been 3 months since I filed the claim. Our insurance is public, owned by the government. Manitoba Public Insurance. I may be older lady, but I don't let them push me around. GRRRR one tried to treat me like a deaf old woman...speaking slowly and loudly. I called her on it.

Well Max and Bella and I are off for a walk.

I wish you a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy You and Jane are a great help
and a sense of humor reminds us to
not be treated as old.
Not yet!

Love Beth

nancy-Lou said...

AWE...I am so glad that a few words can bring you a laugh or a bit of cheer Beth. You do the same thing for us too! Friends are so is quite amazing the friendship we have developed over the last few years, albeit, through the written word. AND through you, I have met Jane too!

Love, Nancy