Sunday, November 6, 2016


At least it is not raining!
The shoe has been claimed!

There is a term that is called Helper's High coined by Allan Luks, a researcher and author, who spent 20 years exploring the "powerful feelings people experience when helping others.  A feeling of moral elevation  of uplifting  and ultimately of well-being.

Put simply when we help others we help ourselves.

Even taking time to phone some one can lift feelings of depression and aloneness.

Seeing some one else do a kind deed can be very touching and beneficial.

Visiting some one who is critically ill can be a sign that we are willing to face suffering and believe we have the energy to bring relief even if it is for a moment.

Jesus was an amazing healer because of his great compassion and his ability to touch others with the energy of his love.

I did have a walk today and a rest so now am off visiting.  I know that as I open the door and smile a big smile and a happy hello my day will improve greatly.  No it is not effortless but worth the effort!


Sandra said...

Sorry that it did not work for you to drop by yesterday. As it was I only got half way through my job list. I guess I will have to tackle a few of the jobs after work. Maybe this time change will work in my favour some how.

We may still have the kittens through the coming long weekend, they will be looking for homes for them this week, but they have a lot of kittens right now.

Oh, and we will be having dinner on Sunday, not sure if you got the invite.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I have experienced the same thing when doing a good deed. I haven't heard of the term, Helper's High....but it definitely is an appropriate name for it. I think the most "high" experience I have is when I play for the Community Christmas Eve service, whenI know most everyone there and there is so much joy and happiness that the roof almost lifts off the church. It is hard to go to sleep after that...

How nice that Sandra's flooring is all done and the dinners are on again for you! There hardwood floor looks awesome along with the colours on the walls. She has such an eye for colours and design doesn't she/

Well I am off to the pharmacy, the credit union and the grocery store...oh forgot the auto garage as well. Busy afternoon and CArl will be home alone prepping for the scope tomorrow.

Have you noticed how low in the sky the sun is lately? It makes such long shadows. From now until late in February it will be dark outside when we eat supper....but after DEc 21 the days gradually become longer again.

Have you watched the British tv series, The Crown? It is about King Edward and his abdication of the crown along with King George and Queen Elizabeth. I really enjoy those historical period shows. I haven't seen this one yet, but plan to start tonight, I believe there are 10 episodes.

Have a super day,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Matthew home from school today,sick stomach and nose bleeds. Jasmine stayed home in sympathy 🙄 You still eating Pate? Liver is really good for you. I thought your raccoons in masks was funny. 🚁

beth bennett said...

No I forgot about the liver Pate.

Tell Matthew we are sorry he is sick. Sounds miserable.

Is it going around at school.

Everyone has colds and coughs here,

Rick did not do well at his stress test so has to go back and see the doctor.

He has been extra tired for quite a while now.

Love mom