Thursday, November 17, 2016


Dad spent the day getting his G.P.S. for the airplane working.  It seemed to be a calming thing for him.  He put it outside and one of Kim's birds checked it out.

I went for a walk and then to the store but dad did not hear me leave and all of a sudden realized I was missing but fortunately I returned before he went looking for me.  He forgot I said I was going to the store.  All is well that ends well.

It has been said that it is important for us to experience every emotion under the sun that makes up a life well lived!

This gives us strength, heart and character.  -Denni Lovato


Anonymous said...

What happened to the hood on Kimberly's car. Did she have a accident?
First day off after 5 early shifts. Still tired !! We are going to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow. Melina is coughing up a storm. She sounds terrible but says she is ok. A good nights sleep and she should be better.
I got coffee vouchers yesterday from the boss , for doing such a good job ☕️ I thought I was in trouble , and to my surprise it was a pat on the back. 32C yesterday . Much cooler today. I'm watching the Canucks game on Apple TV . From the look of it it may be the coaches last game ( Arizona 2 Canucks 0 )

beth bennett said...

Dad and I were wondering why we had not heard from you for awhile.
Hope both you and Melina have a good sleep tonight
A bad cough does not sound good.
Carol was very sick with a nasty cough.
She has an inhaler to use daily.

Kim was driving in the rain to teach a class in Richmond and
was late because she was asked to pick up things at the last moment.
The car in front started through the yellow light and then stopped.
She hit the bumper, not much damaged to their car but her hood was smashed
and one light broken. No one was hurt. Dad went with her to the repair
guys and they found this hood for her. An extra expense is never good.

Dad still having stomach problems but getting it checked out.

Sandra home from work with a cut in her hand because the tendon needed stretching.
Hopefully we will drive over to-morrow.

Morgan wants to play volley-ball but she is only in grade 5 and needs to be in grade
6. Disappointing.

Had a good visit with Kim last night. She is working hard at school and work.

Take care of yourselfs. Have fun at the movies.

Love to all


nancy-Lou said...

What is this GPS for airplanes? Does Larry still fly and needs a map? Don't think it is going to work out in the yard with a bird watching it unless that bird flys away somewhere....then the GPS can track it! LOL I am glad he is having lots of fun with it!

Is Kim's major in fine arts working in pottery? How wonderful that she drops in often and has a nap, or a meal with you and has a good visit too.

I bet SAndra's hand is really sore still....I think it would take 3 days before the pain eases off some. Aren't the kittens cute and growing so quickly.

Today I went to the pharmacy to pick up Carl's drugs for the two infusions. We will take one package to the first one on MOnday....the price for two was $12,989. Yes, you are reading the correct number. Thank goodness our deductible is paid on Manitoba pharmacare!

Haitham, the pharmacist is from Jordan and a Muslim. What a lovely man he is and he always has time to visit with Carl and I....the Arab connection is strong when it comes to the Ateah name.

Ateah means The Gift in Arabic. I laughed and said I wasn`t sure about Carl being, `a gift`!
He taught me how to pronounce it in which I was a disaster...the T has two sounds to it that I cannot do...but he does very well!
He told me a story about when a baby is born dead....the people call it Ateah...Attiyah...meaning a gift to God...or a gift to Allah. I was touched by the story. It is so interesting to learn about the Muslim people.

He has three little girls and another on the way. We are invited to dinner at their home soon. He loves to tell me about his little girls and one can see how strong his family ties are and how much he loves them.

Well winter arrived today in waves of ice pellets, huge snow flakes,and freezing rain. It came as streamers off the lake and was very intense. The highway was covered in ice pellets ....I was glad Mark was driving. Looking across the lake you could see a stream of ice pellets in the distance...then some blue sky and clouds...then a stream of snow....and even a stream of freezing rain...a whole variety. I wanted to take some photos but didn`t stop.

Well that was my fun day....I hope you had a good day too and both are feeling much better from the tummy problems.

Wishing you a great evening

Love, Nancy