Saturday, March 10, 2018


Digging in the dirt I find a small happy crocus.  I try to do a bit in the garden as it is such a beautiful day. Dad cleans off the back patio which was extremely messy and dirty.

My neighbor was having a bridal shower and I could hear all the young girls laughing and talking as they came and went.  Several stopped to chat with me as they walked to their cars.  It was a niece who was getting married not one of her sons.

I have been reading up all the dirt that was written about Jesus after his death.  Historians found many different opinions about who he was and what he had said.

I decided to read my old journals to see what I had written.  Reading from my notes it was like I fell in love with Jesus once again.  I wrote about feeling his love surrounding me as I prayed and read his words.  Words that expressed the joy and freedom of ordinary life that gives us hope and courage to face each day!


Sandra said...

Well, hopefully all the little flowers can poke their heads out easier now your front garden is raked.
Got home and washed a carpet outside, hope it gets dried today so I can bring it back in.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra for all the digging and raking you did.

Very kind of you to leave a bit of your dirt on our kitchen floor!

I will phone you at work today.
