Monday, September 22, 2014


This  hidden path leads to the bird  sanctuary that is by Art Nap's on the way to White Rock.  Dad and I used to love taking a walk all around this.  There were look outs on the way where you could climb up the stairs and see all around.  From the air this formation of grassy islands said I love you made specially for some ones sweetheart.  There were wooden boards to tell us the names of all the different boards.  Sunday would have been a perfect day for a walk but having Gracelyn drop in meant a lot to us both.

Going to watch our amazing daughters learn all the steps of their dance routine was also great fun.  Dad and I came home to try to print my blog, which took many tries and dad amazed me with his patience.

Kim has taken the bus into Van. and I am trying not to worry.

Not exactly a restful Sabbath as planned.  The greenness of all the grass and trees at the Park was very beautiful and a place that one could find sacred meaning.  Just thinking of all the times our family has been there and all the people over the years that have replaced the bears and sent them trying to find other shelter.

Another day unfolds before we know it and dusk seems to come so very early.


Steady-as-rain said...

This thriller dance - how Christian is it?

Yes, getting darker earlier. I dislike the coming of winter more and more each year.

Those islands really spell out "I Love You" from the air? Somebody went to a lot of bother!



Sandra said...

I am glad winter does not meen as much to us as it does most of Canada, but if we could just go straight from fall to spring that would sure be nice.

Sorry lunch did not happen, will have to do something next weekend for sure.


nancy-Lou said...

What a delightful place the bird sanctuary is! In the midst of the city! That is Vancouver for close to nature.
We have a lovely nature walk at Grand is similar, with walks in a marsh and lookouts to observe the birds. Thanks for reminding me...I will take my camera and go there today.

Yes, dusk is upon us soon after supper. It seems I am turning on the lights and locking the pet door a lot earlier now. We lock the pet door that leads critters cannot come in at night. We have another pet door that leads from the sun room to the fenced back yard, that the pets can use anytime.

The coyotes were howling right under my window last night...Max was too lazy to get up, but he would woof from the comfort of his chair. The coyotes are wolves are hungry at this time of year...saving up for the lean winter ahead. My neighbours lost three cats this summer. We have to be on guard!

And it is a great day again, isnt it?

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Rick the thriller dance is from the song by Michael Jackson. I do not know why it was chosen but the dancers are working hard with a lot of difficult steps. It is great that Carol and Sandra are doing it together.

Seasons change and spring gives us something to look forward to.

Nancy Haiti will woof at something outside from where she is lying on the rug.

But she is on the alert when she is outside to chase the squirrels and the racoons. You would like to feed them but not a good idea eh!

love mom

larry bennett said...

Yes rick - the young man they hired to bulldoze the area to allow the water to circulate decided to in effect write " I love you". It was the layout of the cannels that made the words. I first noticed it when I was starting my flying lessons - we practiced tight above the area.

nancy-Lou said...

Practice tight? what is that Larry? doing circles in your airplane?

That is a fascinating story about the bulldoze operator and what he carved in to the earth.

A lovely spot to walk.

Love, Nancy