Wednesday, September 10, 2014


A painting at the eye clinic.  I  take pictures of paintings while dad is in the doctor's office.
But I am getting ahead of myself.

Dad and I, two very ordinary people, start out early for our drive into Van.  We leave extra early which surprises me but there are more surprises to come. So early there is hardly anyone there.  Dad seemed preoccupied on our drive in, a little anxious to talk to the eye doctor telling him why he was unhappy with him and wanted to change doctors. The good thing is that dad got right in to have his eyes tested and as he got up plunged his hat on my head.  I forgot about it but notice people looking a little strangely at me but then smiling.
Dad and the doctor come out of the door and he makes a referral for dad to change.  They both look serious but agreeable.

As we leave the parking garage dad seems confused.  I think it is because we have come out onto a different street; but when we turn onto our regular street he is still confused.  \he says he does not know where he is.  We had thought we would make one last trip to the Sylvia and I asked him if he wanted to and he definitely did.  Still confused  I help with directions which is the opposite because I always go the wrong way.

By the time we get there he starts asking questions and I get very concerned.  He asks over and over the same questions and seems to have forgotten shy we came to town.  I know the tests for stroke and he is able to talk, to raise his hands and stick out his tongue. 

P9090094I suggest we take a taxi back to the hospital but he wants to eat first.  \he seems a bit better and suggests a walk on the beach.  It is cool but he is getting better more like himself.  I tell him we are going to the hospital as soon as we reach Surrey.  I will take not take no for an answer.

His driving is fine and he knows the way.  We get to the hospital and he does not know why he is there.  I explain that he had a complete memory loss for at least an hour.

They take him right into the Emergency.  I sit and wait while he has a multitude of tests.  I have so many thoughts going through my head.  I do not want to worry anyone as there are no answers yet.

Finally after a wait that seems like an eternity a doctor comes in and says it may have been a stroke but she will phone the neurologist.  She eventually phones back and says it was probably amnesia and she will make an appointment for him to come to the office when the x-rays are more carefully studied.  He was not to drive home but he does.  She called it Transient Amnesia and it usually happens just once so that is good news!


Sandra said...

Well, what a very stressful day for you I am sure! Did you go to Surrey Memorial like you were told to do for any future stroke symptoms? I hope your evening was less eventful, I will give you a call later on. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra, we went to Surrey Memorial and dad was well looked after very quickly. Strokes or potential strokes or heart attacks get immediate attention. It was totally unreal beyond words.

We came home exhausted and I unburdened my concerns with Kim but felt no use worrying anyone else you have enough on your plate. Your own health and your studies and your work and your family.
My advice is enjoy life and do not let the stress build up.

I am waiting for Kim to wake up and maybe go for a walk with her but it is hard to wait but dad would be happier.

I have Jetlag bible study today with my good friends.

Dad is in a very deep sleep and I hope that is good.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Well, from my quick reading online it does not sound like something that will recur. After reading all of your brain books it must have been very surreal to watch how quickly the brain can turn off and on like that.

Steady-as-rain said...

Why was putting on the hat odd?



nancy-Lou said...

My goodness what a lot of worry for you and Larry. It is so upsetting when your husband doesn't know where he is or why.
So glad that is seems to be a once in a lifetime event and shouldn't happen again.
I am so glad that Larry returned to normal. I will keep you both in my prayers.Do you not drive downtown, Beth?

We are listening to some old time 1950"s music on PBS....some of it is pretty darned corny! Big Girl is being song by the Four Seasons and is pretty bad...the lead singer is making some weird sounds. Kind of like squawks.

Well I hope Larry was back to normal today and you both are having a great day.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Rick you are so funny, you noticed the odd details. It was dad's hat and I forgot I had it on. Not many people wear hats inside especially a woman with a man's hat.
I just thought \I would add a little humor to my story.
love mom

Sandra I think sometimes knowledge can make you worry more but thankful. for an appointment with the neurologist on Monday at Royal Columbian Hospital. That is good.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Not really an good idea to drive under those conditions. Take a taxi or call for help.