Sunday, September 14, 2014


Sabbath is taking a day of the week to remind myself thar I did not make the and that it will continue to exist without my efforts.
Sabbath is a day when my work is done even if it isn’t.
Sabbath is a day to remember that when God saw his fineshed work He said it was good.
Sabbath is a day when our souls rest and feel healed.
Sabbath is a family day to be with them and enjoy them.

Mom and I would do a little extra work on Sat. so that Sunday could be a more restful day.  Cleaning up after myself was my main job.

This Sat. Kim was busy getting ready to take the ferry over to Salt Spring to see Ron and Dona and to take part in the Harvest sctivities.  Theresa and maybe Mikie, Ben and Morgan are going too.  Just imagine the island alive with talbes loaded with all the fruits of their labour. 
Delicious smelling vegtables and fruits, wool from the lambs, creative crafts amd home made jams and jellies etc.  What a thrill to be there and yes we should have gone while we could.
Happy vibrant faces beaming from behind the fantastic displays so proud of the bountiful harvest!

This is Kim at the dog park.  The dogs have a great time, chasing and sniffing each other.  Haiti is not on a leash although it looks like it.  I wanted to take her there on Sat. but dad was too worried that something would happen.  Also I had something I think I should have remembered but couldn't.

Church today and the supper at Sandra and Randy's.

I am thinking of having a Sabbath day for blogging.


Sandra said...

As in a day with no blogging? When then following the tradition of your mother, you should prepare double the blog the day before. Randy is home today taking a rest as well. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

I think Dad is right that you should not take Haiti anywhere. You will bruise other ribs when she pulls you over!



nancy-Lou said...

The Sabbath Day has certainly changed from when we were young, hasn't it Beth? It was a day of rest and family time and usually included Sunday supper with a lot of those traditions are gone. It was good!

What a wonderful time to be over on Saltspring...with Autumn in full swing. Lots to and lots to see. A feast for the senses, I would think!

Yes, you must be careful if you walk Haiti on a two little dogs almost pull me over when the see something exciting and I have to dig in my feet. You don't want to have a fall.

That is a good picture of Kim at the dog park with you and Haiti....the dogs really love those parks don't they?

Well I hope you and Larry are having a nice Sabbath Day....with a family supper.We are going to BBQ chicken and have baked potatoes with butternut squash.

Tomorrow the rest of the butternut squash is hitting the soup pot along with a sweet potato, some spinach, chicken and some lentils. I will make some without chicken for Bob who is a vegetarian.

Have a wonderful family supper at Sandra and Randy's

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I did not know Bob was a vegetarian unless I have forgotten. Your soup sounds wonderful.
Dad stayed home from church, he is feeling a little blah.
Glad we have the appointment to-morrow and maybe find something helpful and encouraging.
Another beautiful day here.
Haiti and I go for an early morning walk.
We sure have good memories, I think I am appreciating them more and more. love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow Larry...I bet it will be all good news! I will be thinking of you both and keeping you in my prayers. Feel better soon.

It is good that you have Haiti to walk with....they are such good companions. I am sore after our walk..we really overdid it...about 2 miles...but it was just too nice to stop.

Love, Nancy