Thursday, September 18, 2014


Yes it is still warm enough to eat outside.  Carol comes from work to join us for supper.  Excellent meal with good company.  Later they go to crack macgraw  exercise class.  Must be wonderful to be young. 
Kim is in full swing again after her strep throat and has school and exercise classes during the day and will be starting work at the Tap a fancy restaurant here in Surrey.  Very very up-scale.  She will fit right in.
Dad is back riding his bike with the battery and learning after a few falls how to handle it.

I take a few pictures.
Trees are just beginning to change color.  I am cleaning  up and doing laundry and trying  to sort through my books to give away a few. Right now I have to re-read a few first.

I have hid the walker under the bed and feel much better.


Sandra said...

I am itching to get at my garden and clean it out. I had a wonderful in colour dream about a garden last night, only thing is I was trying to escape from invading space aliens while I was driving by all these pretty gardens.

beth bennett said...

Sounds like you were having fun!

Too rainy for gardening for a few days I THINK.

Did you practice in the rain?

love mom

Sandra said...

Yes, we practiced in the rain until it was dark. It was warm out so it was allright.

Shandel said...

Those tree photos are spectacular Grandma Beth! I just love this time of year. My eyes are eating up the natural candy of the fall changes. I watch all the trees i pass by each day and they are drastically different every time. I can not believe how bright some of the colors are. Most wonderful time of year!
funny about the walker. at least you know where it is when or if you ever need the support. support can be comforting at times. namaste

nancy-Lou said...

I think those books are going to have a hard time leaving your house..especially when you need to read them again! Why is it so difficult to give away some books.....I have them same problem too.

The walker under the bed made me laugh too Beth! That is a good must be feeling stronger.

Due to all the rain we have had lately our trees are very late in starting to change colour, but they have begun. We had a frost lasst night so that will hurry them along.Thankfully not a killing frost for the flowers, but frost on the roof and the car windshield so it was a close call!

Lovely photo of Kim and Carol and the colourful supper. Looks scrumptious.

Hope you sleep well tonight, Beth,

Love, Nancy