Thursday, September 11, 2014


Another picture from the eye center.
I certainly notice how smart children are these days.
I know I often feel that I am dumber because they are so amazing.

They are so curious about so many things I take for granted.

I had a walk with Kim yesterday morning and we took a different route and she noticed things I just pass by.

I went to our Bible study group which was lunch and a get together talk.  We sit in the back of the hall framed by a circle of windows that look out on some big ever- green trees.  Coming into the yard there was a bunch of trees being cut down as they were dead, still sad to see.

I was very quiet but enjoyed the chatter of others.  I was happy to be there but not able to concentrate.

Dad did some fixing up around the yard which would make it safer  for Haiti.  We have to be so careful about leaving doors or gates open as she will be out like a flash.

Kim made supper for me and dad finished his lunch.  I did not feel like making anything.  She is so very quick and can make a delicious salad in no time.

I do not need to be smart but to enjoy what I have and not take myself too serious.

It will probably do me good to go visiting today!


Sandra said...

I would expect you would need a quiet day to recover from the excitement of the day before. When it comes to dumb remembering names is my issue. Don't know why but I have a heck of a time with that. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That is very common Sandra I know that is one thing I too have trouble with. remember when I use to go through all your names when I was annoyed with one of you? Strange eh!
lovw mom

nancy-Lou said...

Laughing at you Beth....trying to get the name right, with the four children...I could see myself doing that too. Even faces sometimes defy me from recognizing them...which can be embarrassing. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes of talking to the person before identifying the in my mind....

How is Larry today? I hope right back to his old self!

Yes, the children of today are so knowledgable about many things...but sadly they do not know how to play outdoors as we did as kids. All those childhood games have gone the way of the DODO bird, I think! REd Rover, Statues, kick the can...on and on.
Do you remember playing with a lacrosse ball ( they were really bouncy ) bouncing it off a wall and playing a repetative game where you had to clap and catch it or bounce it once and cross you leg over it and catch it along with many other motions?
I spent hours bouncing it off our brick chimney. Yes, the kids today are smart in ways would we never have thought of....mostly in technology.

We have children living across the street, but rarely see them playing outdoors. I love to hear the sounds of children playing outdoors, don't you?

So I don't think we are dub and dumber....just think in a different way!

Have a super day visiting,

Love Nancy

larry bennett said...

That is just what we were saying it is sad not to see and her children out playing. I remember those games so well everyone of them.

Larry is very tired today and had a good rest.

Love Beth

Anonymous said...

Dumberer! Yes kids are more advanced these days.
They have the inter-web at your fingertips. Signed Ken