Sunday, September 28, 2014


P9260204It was a beautiful fall day that makes us appreciate it even more because we know that the rain and cold will soon arrive.
We now have a drum that Kim has made and also some of her pottery to bring the beauty of fall into our sitting room.
It did not look so cheerful when I went for my walk early in the fog and mist but just when I was thinking it was going to stay that way all day the sun broke through the mist.
Dad and Kim went to the small dog park with Haiti which was a long walk for them but a quick bike ride for dad.  It really is fun watching how all the dogs re-act.
Dad continued on to ride by our old house and stopped to chat with the owner who was out in the yard and when he explained that we had once owned the place the couple showed him through. 
I am glad it turned out to be a nice day for Carol and Sandra to practice their dance at the park.
Dad and I enjoyed coffee down at the beach and met an interesting lady and her grand daughter.  She works part of the year in Costa Rica running a healing clinic.  Seeking support is very important in the healing process and she feels very fortunate to be doing this work.
Kim has invited the family over Sunday for lunch and I hope we can eat outside.
No deep thinking!  Happy Sabbath!


nancy-Lou said...

Beautiful fall weather here too....with lots of colours. The strong winds the other day knocked down many of the leaves and they crackle and crunch as you walk through them. It is fun to scuff through them, as we did when we were kids and kick them up.

Beautiful pottery and drum by the talented Kim! I am so glad she is taking fine arts.....and then education...teaching the arts is a very rewarding career. Good for you Kin! How nice for you and Larry to have her living with you and giving you a hand with cooking.

Larry sure enjoys his bike and can go for rides all over the place. Good to see! It must have been bitter sweet to see the old many changes and yet so many wonderful memories.

I go by the house where I grew up sometimes and it looks much the same. I have happy memories of there too. It suffered a lot of damage in the house fire, but we had it restored and sold it.

I always remember my Great Aunt ( who lived in New Westminster) saying that the stormy season on the coast began in come and visit before then. I guess your grey rainy days are coming as is our cold and snowy days.
I welcome winter...I do like the freshness, the intense blue skies and the solitude. I go for walks daily, all winter long..unless it is extremely cold. -30 without a wind is OK...with a wind a little too much!

Have a wonderful lunch with your family...

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Playing the drum would be a good way to wake up people who sleep in!

It seems that dogs do usually behave well at the dog parks. I guess it is because none of them think it is "theirs".

I should have mentioned yesterday that I've done my share of taking extra cookies from the cookie-jar over the years!



Sandra said...

Our practice was inside yesterday. I made a very big, HUGE mistake and starting reading a book that turned in to one of those I could not put down. My studying has suffered. I have finished now and vowed not to look at any others for at least a week, after the mid term on Friday. So you later today.