Saturday, September 13, 2014


I have been stressed and tired lately so meant to say the pictures were from the Eye Center  not from the Sylvia.
I think it is wonderful that people so much passion and life into their pictures.  I an sure we all have gifts we just never have used.
Creativity is what is meant to be human.  Acting is a part of our being as is story telling, painting, singing or writing,
I have bits and pieces of stories that I have written in my notebook but not on my blog.
Yesterday dad and I drove to White Rock to pick up my bread but also some oatmeal squares for Sandra half thinking she may drop by.  She would have but she phones and no one answered,
Later in the evening went to the dog park with Kim and Haiti.  It was delightful to see all these dogs running around free and happy,  I do not know about Kim's pictures either.

Had a short phone call from Kenny asking about dad.  Interesting things always happening there at his work.

Yes I know stress can cause problems.  Dad and I are distressing right now!

Sing like nobody is listening
Dance like nobody's watching
Love like you will never get hurt
Live like this is heaven o  earth!

Nancy took your advice and slept much better.  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

We took Carol's friend Louise to Sharkey's for her 70th birthday last night. Today, Theresa and everyone are going to SaltSpring. They will come to our place and Carol will drive them to the ferry terminal. Looks like a warm day, so we'll probably bike down to the beach at some point.xo Panteli

Steady-as-rain said...

A certain amount of stress helps keep us activated and motivated. Too much, however, is ... well .... too much.



beth bennett said...

It is a lovely week-end for their visit to Salt Spring Is.

Happy stress is okay and yes we do need some stress,

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Lazy is good too! We have to be kind to ourselves too..especially when we really need it! Good for you just taking it easy.

Now that we are retired it is such a pleasure to just take the mornings easy...we used to be up at 6:30 and working by 8AM. Now we can have the extra coffee and watch the morning show on is good!

I taught my first piano lesson for the up coming year this morning...such a pleasure to teach Jessie..this is her 6th year. Grade 5 RCMT.

The dogs took me for a good walk...around the cottage area...the sound of chain saws and the smell of wood smoke was everywhere. The cottagers are out, some getting ready to close up for the season. Beautiful day.

So glad you slept better Beth...have another good night! I usually have a cup of chamomile tea an hour or so before bedtime too. Really helps me relax.

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Late night for U.S. .Jesse's birthday today .the party was last night . Matthew still sleeping . I am on late shift this week. My holidays start from 24sept don't know what our plans are yet.