Thursday, September 25, 2014


Starting out for my walk I was pleased the rain has stopped.  I walk three blocks and see this lovely flower so walk quickly back home to get my camera.
I continue on when all of a sudden the rain comes pouring down but fortunately I had my rain coat and rain pants on.

Nearing home I realize the car is out of the garage so that means dad is out looking for me.  I keep telling him not to worry and I can phone if I take my phone which I will try to do.
Came home and finished the Bible lesson quickly and then off to the church for the study; only to find out I was the leader.  I did okay but I would have put extra effort into it if I had known.
We talked a lot about how problems in churches arise after reading about the church in Corinth and the problems they were having.  I was surprised at some of the things people did not like about our church.  We had a good laugh about some one helping prepare food and were told they were cutting carrots wrong or napkins were folded the wrong way.

I do not volunteer for kitchen duty anymore because I have done it enough and for sure would do everything wrong.  The last thing I did was put whipping cream on pumpkin pie and did it all wrong.

We had our laughs and it is good to talk about what bugs you even at church.

Took Haiti for an evening walk as Kim was staying late at school.  I enjoy a walk just before or after supper as that is when I get sleepy.


Sandra said...

That is very funny, yes, IF you had your phone you could call and IF dad knew you had it he would not need to worry. At work I have a sticky on the wall just by the light switch reminding me to turn off my heater since it worries me if I think I may have gone home and left it on. Dad will have to put some up for you so you take your phone with you. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

A nice photograph of that flower. I don't recall seeing one that looked like that before.

Getting in the habit of taking your cell phone would be an excellent idea.



PS those people didn't really need any whipped cream on their pie anyway!

nancy-Lou said...

The flowers are two varieties of Coleus....that contrast each other, so pretty. Thanks Beth, nice pictures.

You are a true west coaster..rain pants and jacket...all prepared for the wet weather. When it is nice here it is usually poor weather on the coast. We have three more days of summer like weather...then cooler.

Had one of the "doctor clinic days" yesterday and it was a long long day, with accidents on the highway and long detours, an hour and a half in the examining room waiting for our wonderful doctor...then two 20 minute delays for highway construction...left home at 9am and home at 7pm. WHEW!

This is your usual visiting day....are you giving it a rest for a while?

I wish you a wonderful day today...just take it easy!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Your day sounds just like ours when we drive into town for appointments. Hope you got good news.

Undecided about visiting, have to find out where Jim is for sure.

Have a restful day
love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Beth there is not bacterial infection...the tests were negative. My lungs are healed. I am very thankful!

Carl's problems are mainly from his sleep apnea and he did the overnight sleep test and is going to get his new CPAP machine next week. Apparently Manitoba is the only province that pays for them and I think they are a couple of thousand $$$ so we are thankful for that too!
Living in a rural are means there is a large turnover of doctors at the local clinic...we have had three GP doctors in nine I am glad we have a good doctor now in Winnipeg who will see us whenever we need him. He is a jewel of a doctor, from India...very kind and caring and very good! He is at a teaching hospital and is the head of internal medicine. He often hold your hand while talking to reassuring and you feel as though you can ask him anything!

Beautiful day it raining there?

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks like the heavy rain you get up in the tropics , or down in the tropics for you. 😓

Mama Lee said...

You did a terrific job leading at Bible study on Wednesday! We're always happy to have your input. We are a crazy, fun group & it's good that we can all feel free to talk about whatever is bugging us even though it may not necessarily have anything to do with the study. We're very good at going off-track & that's o.k. God has a sense of humour.