Saturday, September 6, 2014


I was thinking it is a mystery why some people are still reading my blog.  One of the many mysteries in life that I question. 

Life I believe is made up of a layer of mysteries that are waiting to be solved.  How can I learn to trust my inner voice and not the approval of others,  I believe that joy is a gift that renews our hope and faith in life,

Life is full of questions and many will remain a mystery.
One of the blessings that I find in my faith is that it is okay to express disappointment and sadness for a time.  There is also a time to get over it  I have found in sharing that often others are going through similar difficulties.  Also that each one of us processes things differently.

I can only hope that I will continue to be open to life's mysteries.


nancy-Lou said...

There is no mystery, why we read your is as if you give all of us a giant writing with such honesty and love, bringing us family news, spirituality and life events.
AND you write with great humour...bringing us a chuckle, as you did today, with your comment, about trying to stay out of the way, when Larry was moving his computer....I can relate to that in our house too! LOL.

A cool start to our day, 7C and looking like rain again. Between Aug 18th and today we have received over 300% of our normal amount of rain.

We walked a mile and half yesterday and looking to go a little further each day! The dogs were pretty pooped out when we arrived home and so was I!

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Well, we all need a little mystery in our life. Some of us more than others. I am sure your love of mystery books has been transferred to me, as that is usually my preference. Speaking of ready, Simone has started to "read" she can point to the items in books and say their name. Plus she is a little parrot now and can repeat most things Mary says, even some she shouldn't! Mary said drat when the Skype was not cooperating and Simone said it right back to her. Little sore today but hoping that this helps in the long run. Sandra

Mama Lee said...

I read your blog because:
1. I know what's happening with you & Larry;
2. I enjoy your take on life happenings;
3. I love the pictures you put on your blog; and
4. It's time well spent for me.
Love, Lee

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps me in touch. Thanks mom