Friday, September 5, 2014


Leaves are just starting to change.  Warm and sunny yesterday.

Speechless that Kim seems so much better yesterday.  We had lunch together out in the back yard.  She can even talk a little bit now.  Just have to wait for the test results.  I have to remember she is an adult and does not have to be reminded about things, although dad still seems to be.

Started out for the Seniors place and no gas in the car,  lucky there is a garage on the way.  Stopped to get the milkshake and a wasp followed me back into the car.  No way I was going to drive with that buzzing around.  Finally got it out the door.

Speechless when Jim told me about taking a bunch of pills.  He was feeling completely fed up.  Fortunately the nurse came in time and took him to the doctor.  He refuses to go to the hospital.  I knew that he had been planning this but it was still shocking to hear.  He promises not to do it again, at least for awhile.  He promised me to hang in there and take a day at a time.  I felt a unspeakable sadness especially as he is becoming so grateful for my visits and the milkshakes.

P9040017I was able to visit some of the group of ladies that I sit around and talk to.  They say some funny things I will have to try and remember.

I believe that one has to have life values that helps one to live by integrity and courage even when one feels helpless.

Dad and I are going to a memorial service for a dear friend this afternoon.  You learn a lot about their life from the people who speak about the.  A happy sadness!


Sandra said...

Yes, the young are so much better at recovering from illness. I went to a pain specialist yesterday. I almost did not go as I saw on line he death mostly with motor vehicle accent people and polio survivors. I was sure he was going to be rude and dismissive. But, he was a nice little old man and now I am off to the gym to see a personal trainer this morning as he said I need to build up my muscles. I mean, I knew that. But I just did think it mattered all THAT much. Then I have to go to Kwantlen for 2 hours in Richmond and then to my naturupath. For me a busy day, for you and dad it would be not much, you guys get around so much. Sandra

nancy-Lou said... to how far your kindness and compassion has brought Jim's actually appreciate what you do for him!
Many people would have ignored him ...but not you Beth. Sad that he is so depressed and unhappy..but what a ray of sunshine that you have brought in to his life!

I am accepting some new piano students this term and going out to put up posters this afternoon. I have never advertised before...not since we moved here 38 years ago..but there are less children now. I teach adults will see what the response will be!

It is a beautiful sunny day here too. no rain yay!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I would think young people would be very fortunate to have you as their teacher Nancy. What w wonderful thing to play a piano or any instrument.

Sandra I do hope and pray this will help but I think sitting at a desk is not good. It will be amazing when everything works and you are freer of pain.

No dad and I can not flit around like that. I hope the service is not too long or crowded. I am tired and we have not left.
dad and I moved his computer again and I tried to stay out of the way.

Kim is off to school and seems so much better. I wonder if she will remember to get her blood results today.
I doubt mono would respond this quickly even with my prayers.

I am praying for Mary too please let her know. I think of phoning her at odd times.

Love to you both mom / beth

Anonymous said...

Melina went to cousin Jaydes debutant ball last night . Jesse was Jaydes escort and they danced. I had a good day at work not too busy. I am on 2 late shifts now 1445 start 0015 finish. Tomorrow is our Father's Day.

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you for you kind words, Beth. I love teaching music and taught classroom music too, at out school..grades K to 9. Also had 30 private students at that time. A busy and fun time. I still, after 54 years of teaching private piano lessons am trilled to be able to teach another year. Very blessed!
Love, Nancy