Friday, September 12, 2014


Another picture from the Sylvia.

Should dad and I face it or ignore it?

Dad is anxious about his loss of memory and what does it mean for the future?

My ribs are causing me a lot of pain.  Very bad night.  Will relax this morning and let pain pills kick in.  I am sure it will improve.  You do not always know you have been hurt for days later.
Thankful nothing worse.

kim pic 1Another real picture taken by Kim.  Yes, we love having her here with us.    

We still have one extra bed for one person if they are thinking of coming.  Just thought I would mention it.

Dad has gone for a bike ride and I am dead heading flowers.  We are still in a relaxed mood.  It is going to be another perfect day.


Steady-as-rain said...

Ribs? What has happened to your ribs?

Those paintings are at the Sylvia?



nancy-Lou said... answer is go with the flow! Take it day by day. I know it must be worrisome to have a memory block like that. It is understandable that Larry would be under stress regarding the request for a change of doctor. It was a difficult thing to do. Hopefully all will be well now and you can continue your life as you are. We don't want to have to change the way we we? Life is good the way it is!

Carl was under a lot of stress and I thought he had dementia...but now that most of the stress is gone, he has regained his memory and personality. He is a little forgetful...still, but aren't we all, who are in our seventies?

Sorry to hear your ribs are is so hard to sleep on that side. The doctor told me my rib pain was from referred pain from the pneumonia...but when the scan showed the ribs were broken..and I know it was from coughing so hard. I found it helped to take a pain pill about an hour before bed.

I am afraid to go to a movie house....bed bugs have been found in them in Winnipeg. Are you scratching now? OH oh...I shouldn't have told you that!

I wish you a good sleep tonight Beth with no pain...

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Nice pictures of paintings, Beth...I know you give your pictures a lot of thought and appreciate your taking the time to take them and post them in your blog.

The one with the view being if one is a bird, is an interesting perspective...that is the painting...unless you were flying like a bird and taking photos!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No I have not learn how to fly yet?

Rick when I was running at Ben's game I fell but did not realize until days later my ribs were sore especially to sleep on.
