Sunday, September 21, 2014


Early morning sunshine on an old tree in the park.  I feel we are kindred spirits.  It is a dull morning but suddenly  a shaft of light  hits  this tree and highlights it.  The twisted old root is beautiful.

Friday night when Kim went to work I took a short walk to this park a few blocks from our house.  There is a group of people who let there  dogs off the leash and let them run free,   I decided to take a change with Haiti and we joined them.  No one asked my name but they all wanted to know Haiti's name.  She was a little nervous as one by one the dogs came and stiffed her.  She had a little chase with one and really seemed to relax a bit.  Very nice friendly dog people who were very careful in approaching Haiti.  The bad part was that dad at home started to worry about us and came in the car to look for us.  He had not wanted me to go in the first place but I was so tired and I knew if I went to bed at 7 I would be awake at 9 so had to try to stay up.

"The brain likes to work coherently and methodically, even when it comes to spirituality.  The first steps in opening the mind to God are psychological."  Life is meant to be a progression.  Jesus said ask and you will receive.  I believe that if we ask for God to be present and real in our lives he will be.

There are moments like me with my tree when not only was the tree illuminated but also my spirit.  I felt a deep, inner calm, a knowing that my day would be okay,  I try to see the good in people and stop blaming others when life gets a little exhausting.  I will be reminded during the day to say a little prayer and also to believe that prayers are floating in the air for me too.  .this helps when I feel anxious.

"Fully experience joy every day, spend time with children or animals, be of service to some one in need, be grateful, be generous, listen to your heart and do what you know to be right even when others do not understand.

"Listen my heart, to the whispering of the world,
That is how it makes love to you.  -Rabindranath Tagore.

"In the end it is not the man upstairs who directs your course of life;  life evolves within itself and God is only a label we apply to an unseen power.  -"Super Brain Solutions"

"There  is no need for it to be real to anyone else but you!"-  Brain Solutions

Sabbath to-morrow!  !

Let your heart be touched by the beauty of nature, the love of family and all the great blessings of life!


Sandra said...

If you just took your cell phone dad could call you and he would not have to worry.

Will you come over to Bear Creek today? I think we are there from 12:00 to 1:30.

I guess Theresa and the kids are excited to be going back to school tomorrow. What a super long summer vacation they have had this year.


beth bennett said...

We planned coming to Bear Creek but got doing other things and got hungery and decided to eat, I was planning on it but. . . love mom

beth bennett said...

Sorry I am still mixed up. Yes I would like to come.
Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Good thing all the dogs behaved.



Anonymous said...

Our dog just takes off !!!