Sunday, February 11, 2018


A sunny day with a visit from Sandra and Randy after doing some running around.

I wake up undecided about attending church.  Not quite up to it and I feel a bit like I am just drifting along.  It is a place where I regain my spiritual strength as well as the physical because of the great community spirit.  I would like to just sit quietly in the back but I know people will want to ask me how we are doing.

I did not make the effort instead drifted through the day.'

I worked cleaning out our closet which stores fans and steamers and small heaters etc.

Tomorrow friends are coming for a visit in the afternoon.  It is good to have some one to talk with and share the ups and downs of life.

Our church is also drifting towards the time it will be closing down.  A very sad thing as I do not know if we will go some place else, but in a year or two life is going to be different I expect.

The future is always uncertain but I hope for new possibilities.

Love is the Way even for us drifters!


Sandra said...

I went home and got pretty much all of my refiling done. I was very pleased to see that I emptied out two plastic file boxes and 2 large plastic boxes with Randy's help going through some of his stuff.

On Saturday Randy surprised me with early Valentines gift of a couple of Hellebores. It was exactly what I needed, some time out in the garden and the sunshine to release some stress. Bit limited with one bad shoulder, but was worth it.

Home working a full day today so I can make next weekend an extra long one.


beth bennett said...

Good for you two.!

Hope work goes well .Hope dad's party
will cheer him up.

So good people are taking time off to be there!

Another sunny day.
Hard to ignore the garden!

Love mom