Friday, June 15, 2018


                                       Certainly a good habit to get into especially on busy days.
                              Also life can be so painful at times and it seems more than we can bear'

Yes we have all been shaped by our past pain and sadness.  So hard to feel lovable.

 In the early morning I looked out at our back patio and everything was so still.  Not one little breeze.
I welcome the stillness, the silence, the quiet and calm that comes with the light of a new day.

In the stillness I welcome the presence of love and as I do there is a sudden knowing that this love is always there and will always be with me.

In the stillness I welcome all my family into this healing presence of unconditional love.  One by one I pray for them that whatever problems arise there will be a security that comes from the security of a Holy Love and also the love of family.

In the stillness I pray for healing of any relationships that have caused me pain knowing that words have been spoken that have broken the sense of trust and respect that we all need.

In the stillness there is no voice of judgment,   no need to feel sinful,  but the knowing I am excepted in the Beloved. In the stillness there is Love.

Today is Simone's birthday and her fairy birthday party.
She is so blessed to have a mom who has put so much energy and love into making this a special day!
One she will remember all her life.  A gift of love from her mom.


Anonymous said...

Happy fathers Day
I start my fasting and medicine for my colonoscopy tomorrow. Op is Monday morning. I have a cold and don’t feel well. I hope they don’t send me home as I am too sick. I’m getting down the throat as well.

Matthews mate is spending the night. They want to go swimming in the morning, I’ll see how I feel. We watched Australia lose to France in the World Cup. They did ok , France a lucky goal with 10mins to go.

Hope,you have a good day for Father’s Day.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to Nancy-Lou. I though Carl was ok.

beth bennett said...

That is a worry.
sorry you are not feeling well.
I am sure you want to get it over with.
Hope and pray you will get some answers.

Thinking about you.
Love mom and dad