Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Yes we had a visit from Astrid and daddy.  Thunder clapping all around us with great noise.
I do believe I captured how Craig was feeling, no mistake.  
They are just not getting enough sleep at their house these nights.
One cries and the other one joins in.
I wish we could be more help.

Dad saw the doctor today and the x-ray of his knee is just as he expected.  He has some gout and arthritis and has lotion to rub on and can take a pill if he needs it to ease the pain.  Sometimes he rides his bike too far.  He loves going to the Water Shed Park and visits whatever dog is there.

Today after we came home he was upset because a white gig dog had gone missing.  He actually saw it running by in circles but no way he could catch it.  I sure hope his owner found him.

We went shopping at the Peace Arch Hospital Thrift store after going to the doctor.
I should have taken pictures it is amazing, so beautifully arranged.  I bought a designer dress which is a little too big but I think I can make it work.

I will stop before I make mistakes.. Too tired.  But very happy!  A good day!

"As I get older I see life more and more in terms of stories that have been lived and stories waiting to be lived."
And then there is the sense how these stories of the soul are like threads in a tapestry of a much larger story."
-Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


Sandra said...

That no sleep phase seems like it will never end when you are in it. Craig to take strength from the certainty it will eventually end for him and he will survive.

It is strange but both Randy and I have all of a sudden had sore knees.


beth bennett said...

Sandra does it make any better if you both have sore knees?

My hip bothered me in bed last night which it has not done ina long while.

My knees are fine!

Hope your drive is better today.
Between road works and accidents driving can be a night mare.
I hate night mares!
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't Astrid the cutest little baby? Big blue eyes and she always seems to be smiling. I sure do remember those sleepless nights with our boys and that was 55 years ago. the worst was when they were sick with chicken pox or some other disease...poor kids. Yes it will get better for Craig and Leah...takes time.

It is quite humid here Beth and that bothers my arthritis...maybe it is the humidity there that is bothering your hip? It is the calm before the storm I think...they are predicting thunderstorms this evening and there is a tornado watch for the southern part of MB.

Yesterday was a day to get a lot of things done with Service Canada and the Auto Insurance people...regarding Carl's estate. It is all done how, just have to notify a few creditors and I am done. The kids are keeping me busy...we have two girls in our family now and it sure is son's girlfriends and they are such a big help. They cleaned my house for me yesterday...I am so grateful.
We are having a family BBQ on Fathers Day to remember Carl and expect about 30 people, but it could be the country folks just drop in. So we will be prepared...with lots of chairs and a biffy...yes I had to get rent a biffy! our well is a dug well and the water table is quite low this we don't want to drain the well. it is a huge hassle to get the pump up and running and sometimes the lines clog with sand.

I am back to working on my summer workshops...getting caught up in emails and texts.

It is good to hear that Larry is enjoying his bike so much. I am sorry to hear he has sore knees they can be so painful. Carl had both his knees replaced and when he went back to see the doctor for a check up...the surgeon sent in his resident first...a lovely looking young lady. She said to Carl, drop you pants' and he replied, 'you first'. What a crazy guy he was.

OK I am off to frame up a canvas print for the fireman and first responders fish fry this Saturday. I am so appreciative of their help with Carl when i called the ambulance. It will be auctioned off.

It was another fine day today, wasn't it?

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...


I am confused did Carl actually come home?

Yes a biffy would be a necessity.

Glad you are getting things done and also having help.

God bless you all/=.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Carl came home in his urn. My friends are wood workers and they gave me a lovely urn. We will spread his ashes in his back yard as he requested.

thanks you for your blessings Beth,

Love, Nancy

craig decraene said...

Hi, was good seeing you guys