Monday, August 27, 2018


                                                     Do you like this one?

Dad took this one of Kim bringing out some of her old clothes she does not want anymore.

I am not sure about taking pictures anymore.  If they are posed they look posed and if they are natural sometimes they are too natural.

I thought I had a doctor's appointment that dad made for me on the computer and was totally surprised to find out it had not been done.  I am now unsure of what to do except I will phone their office in the morning first thing and see what they say.

Being unsure can give me a sinking feeling inside.

I am sorry to hear Randy has a cold that can be miserable. 
 Hope he can rest up and you do not catch it.

Dad felt unsure about riding his bike today as we both seem a little weary. He did fix the bathroom light fixture which took a fair amount of time and energy.

 I did make the effort to walk with Aneta as it is so important to her now.  

Being human I can often feel unsure and troubled but often things have a way of working themselves out.  We keep busy doing the things that need to be done but we also need to take time to feel the wonder that can be hidden in the uncertainly that life.


Sandra said...

There is always the walk in clinic or that doctor lady you saw a few times? The only thing that matters is doing it as soon as possible so that you start to feel better. You will want to be feeling your best on Saturday.

Dragged my self to Pilates last night, very tired but it feels good to get it done. I was in bed before 8 so hopefully today is better.


nancy-Lou said...

Nice family photos again Beth. Was it a party for Hobey? Is He leaving for Australia soon?

Yes, I can relate to my life being unsure this past 6 months, but I am feeling happy now and things are lots better. So many good people in my life.

I hope you get in to see the doctor Beth if you aren't feeling well. I am going today to see my doctor. In Pine Falls, which is the local clinic, if you can call it local because it is still 30 minutes away! I won't be going into Winnipeg as often now, to which I am very grateful. Especially for appointments for Carl in the wintertime.

I have been so busy, between commissions and art shows and teaching this summer that I hardly have time to turn around. Now that is a good thing...but it can be tiring and I sure sleep well.

I am taking private Tai Chi lessons and they are awesome. My teacher has three different degrees in Chinese martial arts. tonight is our group lesson and I am looking forward to it very much.I love Tai Chi and determined to be good at it. It strengthens your body which is so good for us older people.

Sorry to hear that Sandra and Randy are not feeling well. There is a bug making it's rounds here too, our doctor was down with it for three days and couldn't work.

Our weather is like fall right now...the wind shifted to the north yesterday and the white caps were storming into the beach on the north side...I almost needed a toque. I was going to sketch but didn't stay. Beautiful and exhilarating though to be down on the beach when it is so wild.

I hope you feel better too there a medication they can give you when you feel confused? It must be frightening to lose control of things...I do hope you feel better soon.

Well I have to clean. I am expecting Carl's cousins from Red Lake to stop by for a visit this afternoon.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Everything is okay.

It is always good to be at the beach.

love beth