Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I am feeling much better, drinking lots of cranberry juice.  I have an appointment in Sept.  I will go to the clinic if I feel it is necessary.

Dad had a upset stomach again this morning so we had a quiet morning.  In the afternoon we drove to Ladner to get a refund on our taxes.  It was the old peoples grant that needed to be claimed.  Everyone was extremely nice on the phone and at the Hall.  We drove to Sharkey's I had soup and dad had fish and chips.  Hope it does not upset him.

There was a younger man on my walk today, a neighbor,  who was walking with a limp and I was surprised to hear he needs hip surgery.  He has been healthy and active so bad things happen to everyone.  He has to wait for at least 6 months.

There comes things in our lives that we have to conquer the best way we can.  That is what I do.

Our neighbor came over to borrow our phone today.  We do our best to be good neighbors.

This is one of the messages of Jesus who calls us to love our neighbors as our selves.
I enjoyed sitting by this waterfall when dad went inside.  A very pleasant day.


Sandra said...

I guess dad can not be feeling too bad if he orders fish and chips. And I guess cranberry juice will not hurt.


beth bennett said...

Your guest Sandra is as good as mine,

love mom