Saturday, August 11, 2018


      Sandra braved the windy cold back patio to have a taste of my cucumber water.  So refreshing.

Memories are tricky things as dad and I think aback to the days when  we used to order groceries from downtown.  Was it the Hudson's Bay or was it Woodward's?  I think he was right it was the Bay.  The point of the story was how exciting it was to have the boxes delivered the next day.

Memories that are built on good times are best.
We anticapate many good memories ahead for us all!

I find shopping a big chore now and still come home without what I went for..
I am happy when dad is willing to do it.

We invited Sandra to go out for lunch with us but she was in a hurry to return home.

We have many memories of our first homes, in an attic apartment, in an army barracks. in the suburbs, on the flats and on the hilltops.We would not want to go back.

Where ever we have been our attention is now focused on making new memories
This day a busy day in the garden for me but time now to relax and wait for Heartbeat!\
I look forward to Saturday.


Shandel said...

I love having some of my groceries delivered. We have the organic box every Tuesday. Delish fresh food. It's very helpful. And some things taste so much better organic.
We finally received some rain! I hope it rains in BC soon. I'm sure you need it more then we do. We attended little Seely's 2nd birthday party yesterday. Lots of fun for all the children. Cousins love to gather. I missed out on baby Walker cuddles as he went to sleep right away.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Shandel
Good to hear.
Love grama

nancy-Lou said...

Memories are precious...and making memories are too. You can order your groceries on line at super store in Winnipeg and pick them up or have them delivered. I still like to shop and look at things although the store is so large one gets tired.

It was a record breaking day all over the province for high temperatures...40 in some places and it was 37 here. The heat index was well in the 40's. We just stayed inside in the air conditioning and only went out to water the veggies and flowers.
I wish it was cool here.

I have a very busy day tomorrow...meeting with my childhood friend whom I haven't seen for 58 years...taking my dogs in for grooming and then supper at a friend's house with a walk in the woods and taking in the sunset. I am feeling so much better...energized from the Tai Chi and forest walking. It truly does promote better health.

The cucumber water looks really good. I will try that Beth.

Have a good night,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Seeing a friend after 58 years that is amazing.
Glaad you are feeling better Nancy

Love Beth