Thursday, August 16, 2018


This is the head table for our goof-bye luncheon for Ev. Leskiu  Her daughter and her daughter in law are seated beside her.  Tree of her good friends told stories of the fun they had working with Ev.  She was a hard worker who also encouraged others to become involved.  A good day of wonderful memories that brought us together as we revisited the past.  Good memories.  Ev will be missed and we send her on her way with our love and blessings as she moves to West Van.

Dad went out for lunch with Bob a good friend and I drove Vera to the church.  I had lots of help when I arrived getting her walker out of the car.  I had been a little concerned about that.  Pat, Bob's wife drove her home.  It was a good day for both of us.

My friend Aneta is revisiting her plans to walk with me every morning.  She finds it too early so I suggested she take a few days off just to rest.  She has to find a new place to live and that is a big worry for her.  I will go earlier so that works for me and do one big walk.

"A life well lived is firmly planted in the sweet soil of moments" and memories revisited.

Wisdom is now calling us to move forward into our own future.  Love will be the light that shines on our paths.


Steady-as-rain said...

Where was that photo of people around a table taken? Sure a lot of windows! Very nice.

Memories are important but they slip away too, don't they?

I wish you had somebody with you on your walks. Especially in the winter when it is dark and cold and wet.



beth bennett said...

Rick the window is at the church hall. Very nice.
I have been told the church is now up for sale.

I will probably walk with Aneta again afterwe have a break.

I am doing a lot better.

Talk to you to-night.

Love mom

Sandra said...

I guess there will be a lot of good byes over the next while. Who would ever imagine out living the usefulness of a local church. Randy brought in the kittens to get their vacinations on Thursday and he picked me up at work so I could go to. They kittens are doing well enough that they will start looking seriously for homes for them now.

I think the idea is to not agrivate the foot if it is already sore. The better shoes should give me support so I can keep walking.

Sukhi is having her baby today, a girl at 1:30 I believe.


beth bennett said...

Hope all goes well with Sukhi. Very exciting.

Love mom